The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne


No. of pages: 216
Rating: 8/10

Synopsis: This work was set in Berlin, 1942. When Bruno returns home from school one day, he discovers that his belongings are being packed in crates. His father has received a promotion and the family must move from their home to a new house far far away, where there is no one to play with and nothing to do. A tall fence running alongside stretches as far as the eye can see and cuts him off from the strange people he can see in the distance. But, Bruno longs to be an explorer and decides that there must be more to this desolate new place than what meets the eye. While exploring his new environment, he meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different to his own, and their meeting results in a friendship that has devastating consequences.

Review: The book is written from 9 year old Bruno's point of view as his father, a soldier for "The Fury" moves the family to "Out-With" Camp, a deserted place, where all Bruno knows are that the people on the other side of the fence wear the same pyjamas all the time and he's not allowed to go near them. Bruno knows nothing of the war or the persecution against the Jews and so the book could be perceived as from a naive angle. I actually think it's just pure innocence as his parents make sure to hide everything from him through out the book, but it's pretty easy as the reader to pick up what is happening. I loved Bruno as a character, and thought the friendship between him and Shmuel was very sad, as Bruno was quite oblivious to what was happening to Shmuel, even though commenting himself on how thin and pale he is. It's a very easy read, and although I could see the ending coming, I was shocked it actually played out as it did. I really enjoyed reading it, and now I want to read more about the realities of concentration camps during the war, and so shall be looking into that soon!

Industrial Magic by Kelley Armstrong


No. of pages: 528
Rating: 9/10
Series: Women Of The Otherworld (Book 4)

Synopsis: In the aftermath of her mother’s murder, Paige broke with the elite, ultraconservative American Coven of Witches. Now her goal is to start a new Coven for a new generation. But while Paige pitches her vision to uptight thirty–something witches in business suits, a more urgent matter commands her attention. Someone is murdering the teenage offspring of the underworld’s most influential Cabals—a circle of families that makes the mob look like amateurs. And none is more powerful than the Cortez Cabal, a faction Paige is intimately acquainted with. Lucas Cortez, the rebel son and unwilling heir, is none other than her boyfriend. But love isn’t blind, and Paige has her eyes wide open as she is drawn into a hunt for an unnatural–born killer. Pitted against shamans, demons, and goons, it’s a battle chilling enough to make a wild young woman grow up in a hurry. If she gets the chance.

Review: The second book from Paige's point of view although introducing many more characters which I'm sure will pop up in future books. I found this one a little harder going than Dime Store Magic, though that may have just been on my part as I did throughly enjoy the plot of the book and there was plenty of action. There were a lot more of the "otherworld" types introduced than has previously been, and I enjoyed that, especially Jaime Vegas (the necromancer) and was pleased to see that there's a whole book devoted to her further in the series, that's definately a story I'd like to learn more about, and I was pleased to see the The Pack pop up for a short while. All in all, I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait for the next book in the series to be delivered!

Dime Store Magic by Kelley Armstrong

No. of pages: 462
Rating: 9/10
Series: Women Of The Otherworld (Book 3)

Synopsis: Paige Winterbourne was always either too young or too rebellious to succeed her mother as leader of one of the world’s most powerful elite organizations—the American Coven of Witches. Now that she is twenty-three and her mother is dead, the Elders can no longer deny her. But even Paige’s wildest antics can’t hold a candle to those of her new charge—an orphan who is all too willing to use her budding powers for evil...and evil is all too willing to claim her. For this girl is being pursued by a dark faction of the supernatural underworld. They are a vicious group who will do anything to woo the young, malleable, and extremely powerful neophyte, including commit murder—and frame Paige for the crime. It’s an initiation into adulthood, womanhood, and the brutal side of magic that Paige will have to do everything within her power to make sure they both survive.

Review: Yet another great book in the series, I particularly enjoyed delving more into Paige as a person, rather than the childish attitude we saw in the last book. I also enjoyed see the relationships evolve with Lucas and Savannah, and how she evolved as a parental figure. As for the storyline, it was fast paced as with the previous books, and easily readable.

The Tales Of Beedle The Bard by J.K. Rowling

No. of pages: 105
Rating: 6/10
Series: Harry Potter (Short Stories)

Synopsis: A very special book of five fairy tales illustrated by the bard herself, including the enlightening and comprehensive commentary (including extensive footnotes!) by Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, who brings his unique wizard's-eye perspective to the collection. Discovered "among the many papers which Dumbledore left in his will to the Hogwarts Archives," the venerable wizard's ruminations on the Tales allow today's readers to place them in the context of 16th century Muggle society, even allowing that "Beedle was somewhat out of step with his times in preaching a message of brotherly love for Muggles" during the era of witch hunts that would eventually drive the wizarding community into self-imposed exile. In fact, versions of the same stories told in wizarding households would shock many for their uncharitable treatment of their Muggle characters.

Review: I enjoyed reading the tales, but felt they were a tad too short. The explainations by Dumbledore at the end of each tale was longer than the actual tale itself, and in general I felt the whole book was very small. I would have loved to read more tales from Harry Potter's world and it's a shame she didn't include more than 5. Overall I gave this a 3/5 because I was slightly disappointed by the shortness of everything, but other than that, the tales were enjoyable.

Marley & Me by John Grogan

No. of pages: 340
Rating: 10/10

Synopsis: John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with a perfect little house and not a care in the world. Then they bought home Marley, a wiggly yellow fur ball of a puppy. Life would never be the same. Marley quickly grew into a barrelling, ninety-seven pound steamroller of a Labrador retriever, a dog like no other. He crashed through screen doors, gouged through drywall, flung drool on guests, stole women`s undergarments, and ate nearly everything he could get his mouth around, including couches and fine jewellery. Obedience school did no good – Marley was expelled. And yet Marley`s heart was pure. Just as he joyfully refused any limits on his behaviour, his love and loyalty were boundless, too. Marley shared the couple`s joy at their first pregnancy, and their heartbreak over the miscarriage. He was there when babies finally arrived and when the screams of a seventeen-year-old stabbing victim pierced the night. The heartwarming and unforgettable story of a family in the making and the wondrously neurotic dog who taught them what really matters in life.

Review: I absolutely loved this book, it made me laugh out loud in some places with Marley's escapades, and it dearly reminded of Zebbie, our crazy pet black labrador from my teens. It's definately something I would recommend, especially for animal lovers. The story draws you in from the very first page, and you feel all of their ups and downs with them. It was fantastically written and I just couldn't put it down because I had to know what happened next! A very well deserved 5/5 from me for this fantastic book.


About Me

So you want to know a little more about me? Well, as it says in the welcome box, my name is Kelly, I'm 26 and I live in a small town in Cornwall, UK. Reading has always been my biggest passion, even when I was a little girl but some of my other interests include: TV shows, movies, music, writing, exploring history, travelling, scrapbooking, taking photographs, cross stitching, baking and spending time with my loved ones.

About Book Sanctuary

I created Book Sanctuary in December 2008, mainly as a resource for myself to note down how I felt about the books I'd read, but now it has grown into something I love to share with others. I have reviewed a little bit of everything over the years, but my favourite books are usually YA or thrillers as they tend to grip me the most, but as with everything in life there are always exceptions. It didn't take me long to think of the name Book Sanctuary, because reading has always been my escape over the years, so it just seemed obvious!

Review Policy

I am more than happy to review on this blog, but I must start by saying, I live in the United Kingdom, if you do not ship here, please do not ask me to review something to then realise down the line you do not ship here. If you do ship to the UK, then read on!

My favourite books are YA, thrillers or anything paranormal. I'm quite open to reviewing almost anything though, so chances are unless I really think I would not like it, I will give it a shot. I am honest in my reviews, whether that be in a positive or negative light, so please bear that in mind. When it comes to ebooks, I only accept books in Kindle format. I will try and get your book reviewed in a timely manner, but it may take up to 1-2 months depending on what I have going on. If we set a specific date, I will do my utmost to have it ready for that day. My reviews are always cross posted to Goodreads, and if you ask me to put it on to Amazon as well I have no problem in doing that. If the absolute worst happens and I do not gel with your book, I will email you to let you know, but that very rarely happens.

Review List

Here you can find an alphabetical list of all the reviews currently on Book Sanctuary, they are sorted in order of author surname.

Ahern, Cecelia - The Gift
Albom, Mitch - For One More Day
Albom, Mitch - The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Albom, Mitch - Tuesdays With Morrie
Alsanea, Rajaa - Girls Of Riyadh
Anderson, Laurie Halse - Speak
Anderson, Laurie Halse - Wintergirls
Armstrong, Kelley - Dime Store Magic (Women Of The Otherworld #3)
Armstrong, Kelley - Industrial Magic (Women Of The Otherworld #4)
Armstrong, Kelley - Haunted (Women Of The Otherworld #5)
Armstrong, Kelley - Broken (Women Of The Otherworld #6)
Armstrong, Kelley - No Humans Involved (Women Of The Otherworld #7)
Armstrong, Kelley - Personal Demon (Women Of The Otherworld #8)
Armstrong, Kelley - Living With The Dead (Women Of The Otherworld #9)
Armstrong, Kelley - Frostbitten (Women Of The Otherworld #10)
Armstrong, Kelley - Waking The Witch (Women Of The Otherworld #11)
Armstrong, Kelley - Men Of The Otherworld (Women Of The Otherworld)
Armstrong, Kelley - Tales Of The Otherworld (Women Of The Otherworld)
Armstrong, Kelley - The Summoning (Darkest Powers #1)
Armstrong, Kelley - The Awakening (Darkest Powers #2)
Armstrong, Kelley - The Reckoning (Darkest Powers #3)
Asher, Jay - Thirteen Reasons Why

Balland, Kathy - Lose The Diet
Barclay, Linwood - Fear The Worst
Barclay, Linwood - No Time For Goodbye
Barclay, Linwood - Too Close To Home
Barry, Sebastian - The Secret Scripture
Bauby, Jean-Dominique - The Diving-Bell And The Butterfly
Bohan, Amy - Take A Girl Like Me
Boyne, John - The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
Brown, Dr. Laurence B. - The Eighth Scroll
Burroughs, Augusten - Running With Scissors

Cabot, Meg - Love You To Death (Mediator #1)
Cabot, Meg - High Stakes (Mediator #2)
Caine, Rachel - Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires #1)
Caine, Rachel - The Dead Girls' Dance (The Morganville Vampires #2)
Caine, Rachel - Midnight Alley (The Morganville Vampires #3)
Caine, Rachel - Feast Of Fools (The Morganville Vampires #4)
Caine, Rachel - Lord Of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires #5)
Caine, Rachel - Carpe Corpus (The Morganville Vampires #6)
Caine, Rachel - Fade Out (The Morganville Vampires #7)
Caine, Rachel - Kiss Of Death (The Morganville Vampires #8)
Cast, P.C. & Kristin - Marked (House Of Night #1)
Cast, P.C. & Kristin - Betrayed (House Of Night #2)
Cast, P.C. & Kristin - Chosen (House Of Night #3)
Cast, P.C. & Kristin - Untamed (House Of Night #4)
Cast, P.C. & Kristin - Hunted (House Of Night #5)
Cast, P.C. & Kristin - Tempted (House Of Night #6)
Cast, P.C. & Kristin - Burned (House Of Night #7)
Cast, P.C. - The Fledgling Handbook (House Of Night)
Chadda, Sarwat - Dark Goddess (Billi SanGreal #2)
Coben, Harlan - Hold Tight
Collins, Suzanne - The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)
Collins, Suzanne - Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2)
Collins, Suzanne - Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3)
Cordy, Michael - The Colour Of Death

Dakin, Rebecca 'Bea' - The Girlfriend Experience
Dashner, James - The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner #1)
Davies, Nicola - Home
Deaver, Jeffery - The Blue Nowhere
Derting, Kimberly - The Body Finder (The Body Finder #1)
Doherty, Berlie - Dear Nobody
Downham, Jenny - Before I Die
Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Hound Of The Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes)

Edwards, Eve - The Other Countess (Tudor Historical Romance #1)
Elkeles, Simone - Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry #1)

Fantaskey, Beth - Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side
Fiorato, Marina - The Madonna Of The Almonds
Fitzek, Sebastian - Therapy
Fitzpatrick, Becca - Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush #1)
Flinn, Alex - Beastly
Forman, Gayle - If I Stay
French, Dawn - Dear Fatty
Fry, Stephen - Moab Is My Washpot

Gaiman, Neil - Coraline
Gerritsen, Tess - Keeping The Dead (Rizzoli/Isles #7)
Gerritsen, Tess - The Killing Place (Rizzoli/Isles #8)
Gerritsen, Tess - Bloodstream
Gerritsen, Tess - Girl Missing
Gerritsen, Tess - Harvest
Gerritsen, Tess - Never Say Die
Gerritsen, Tess - Presumed Guilty
Gilbert, Elizabeth - Eat, Pray, Love
Gillard, Linda - Star Gazing
Glass, Cathy - Cut
Gleitzman, Morris - Once (Felix Trilogy #1)
Greer, Andrew Sean - The Confessions Of Max Tivoli
Grogan, John - Marley & Me
Gruen, Sara - Water For Elephants

Hardie, Titania - The Rose Labyrinth
Harris, Charlaine - Grave Sight (Harper Connelly #1)
Harris, Charlaine - Grave Surprise (Harper Connelly #2)
Harris, Charlaine - An Ice Cold Grave (Harper Connelly #3)
Harris, Charlaine - Grave Secret (Harper Connelly #4)
Harris, Charlaine - Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse #1)
Harris, Charlaine - Living Dead In Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse #2)
Harris, Charlaine - Club Dead (Sookie Stackhouse #3)
Harris, Charlaine - Dead To The World (Sookie Stackhouse #4)
Harris, Charlaine - Dead As A Doornail (Sookie Stackhouse #5)
Harris, Charlaine - Definitely Dead (Sookie Stackhouse #6)
Harris, Charlaine - All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse #7)
Harris, Charlaine - From Dead To Worse (Sookie Stackhouse #8)
Harris, Charlaine - Dead And Gone (Sookie Stackhouse #9)
Harris, Charlaine - Dead In The Family (Sookie Stackhouse #10)
Harris, Charlaine - A Touch Of Dead (Sookie Stackhouse)
Hayder, Mo - The Treatment
Hayes, Sam - Blood Ties
Hill, Susan - The Small Hand
Hoffman, Alice - Blue Diary
Hooper, Kay - Touching Evil (Evil Trilogy #1)
Hooper, Kay - Whisper Of Evil (Evil Trilogy #2)
Housden, Maria - Hannah's Gift: Lessons From A Life Fully Lived
Howe, Katherine - The Lost Book Of Salem


Jansson, Tove - A Winter Book
Jaye, Lola - By The Time You Read This

Kate, Lauren - Fallen (Fallen #1)
Kaysen, Susanna - Girl, Interrupted
Kerley, Jack - The Hundredth Man (Carson Ryder #1)
Kerley, J.A. - Blood Brother (Carson Ryder #5)
Koontz, Dean - The Taking
Koontz, Dean - Your Heart Belongs To Me
Krakauer, Jon - Into The Wild
Kuipers, Alice - Life On The Refrigerator Door

LaFleur, Suzanne - Love, Aubrey
Larsson, Stieg - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Millenium Trilogy #1)
Laurens, Jennifer - Heavenly (Heavenly #1)
Lehane, Dennis - Shutter Island
Lindsay, Jeff - Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter #1)
Lindsay, Jeff - Dearly Devoted Dexter (Dexter #2)
Lindsay, Jeff - Dexter In The Dark (Dexter #3)
Lindsay, Jeff - Dexter By Design (Dexter #4)
Lore, Pitticus - I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies #1)
Lupton, Rosamund - Sister

Maclean, Charles - Home Before Dark
Mah, Adeline Yen - Falling Leaves Return To Their Roots
Marshall, Michael - Bad Things
McCarthy, Cormac - The Road
McKenzie, Sophie - Blood Ties
McKinley, Robin - Beauty
Meyer, Stephenie - Twilight (Twilight Saga #1)
Meyer, Stephenie - New Moon (Twilight Saga #2)
Meyer, Stephenie - Eclipse (Twilight Saga #3)
Meyer, Stephenie - Breaking Dawn (Twilight Saga #4)
Meyer, Stephenie - The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner (Twilight Saga)
Mezrich, Ben - Bringing Down The House
Mostert, Natasha - The Keeper
Murakami, Haruki - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Myron, Vicki - Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched The World

Nesbo, Jo - The Snowman (Harry Hole #7)
Niffenegger, Audrey - Her Fearful Symmetry
Niffenegger, Audrey - The Time Traveler's Wife
Noble, Elizabeth - Things I Want My Daughters To Know
Noel, Alyson - Evermore (The Immortals #1)
Noel, Alyson - Blue Moon (The Immortals #2)

Oliver, Lauren - Before I Fall

Parker, Richard Jay - Stop Me
Paver, Michelle - Wolf Brother (Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness #1)
Paver, Michelle - Spirit Walker (Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness #2)
Paver, Michelle - Soul Eater (Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness #3)
Picoult, Jodi - Change Of Heart
Picoult, Jodi - Picture Perfect
Picoult, Jodi - Second Glance

Quidt, Jeremy De - The Toymaker

Ransom, Christopher - The Birthing House
Rose, Karen - Die For Me (Vartanian Trilogy #1)
Rose, Karen - Scream For Me (Vartanian Trilogy #2)
Rose, Karen - Kill For Me (Vartanian Trilogy #3)
Rose, M.J. - The Reincarnationist
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter #1)
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (Harry Potter #2)
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (Harry Potter #3)
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (Harry Potter #4)
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (Harry Potter #5)
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter #6)
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter #7)
Rowling, J.K. - The Tales Of Beedle The Bard (Harry Potter)
Ryan, Carrie - The Forest Of Hands & Teeth (The Forest #1)
Ryan, Carrie - The Dead-Tossed Waves (The Forest #2)

Satan, Nicholas D. - The Devil's Diaries
Scarrow, Alex - TimeRiders: Day Of The Predator (TimeRiders #2)
Schlink, Bernhard - The Reader
Shaffer, Mary Ann- The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society
Sherwood, Ben - The Life And Death Of Charlie St.Cloud
Shreve, Anita - Light On Snow
Smith, L.J. - The Strange Power (Dark Visions #1)
Smith, L.J. - The Possessed (Dark Visions #2)
Smith, L.J. - The Passion (Dark Visions #3)
Smith, L.J. - The Awakening (Vampire Diaries #1)
Smith, L.J. - The Struggle (Vampire Diaries #2)
Smith, L.J. - The Fury (Vampire Diaries #3)
Smith, L.J. - The Reunion (Vampire Diaries #4)
Sokoloff, Alexandra - The Harrowing
Sparks, Nicholas - Dear John
Sparks, Nicholas - The Notebook
Spindler, Erica - Breakneck (Kitt Lundgren #2)
Spindler, Erica - Blood Vines
Spindler, Erica - Bone Cold
Spindler, Erica - Dead Run
Spindler, Erica - Shocking Pink
Stiefvater, Maggie - Shiver (The Wolves Of Mercy Falls #1)
Stiefvater, Maggie - Linger (The Wolves Of Mercy Falls #2)
Stoker, Dacre - Dracula: The Undead
Stookey, Christopher - Terminal Care
Swarup, Vikas - Slumdog Millionaire



Vornholt, John - Coyote Moon (Buffy The Vampire Slayer #1)

Waters, Daniel - Generation Dead (Generation Dead #1)
Whitfield, Kit - Bareback
Williams, Carol Lynch - The Chosen One



Zimmerman, Diana S. - Kandide And The Secret Of The Mists
Zusak, Markus - I Am The Messenger
Zusak, Markus - The Book Thief

Various Authors

Meg Cabot, Stephenie Meyer, Kim Harrison, Michele Jaffe & Lauren Myracle - Prom Nights From Hell
Charlaine Harris, Maggie Shayne & Barbara Hambly - Night's Edge

To Be Read Pile

Douglas Adams - The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Douglas Adams - The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe
Douglas Adams - Life, The Universe And Everything
Douglas Adams - So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
Douglas Adams - Mostly Harmless
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Half Of A Yellow Sun
Cecelia Ahern - If You Could See Me Now
Cecelia Ahern - The Book Of Tomorrow
Lyn Andrews - Ellan Vannin
Virginia Andrews - Flowers In The Attic/Petals On The Wind
Beryl Bainbridge - An Awfully Big Adventure
Melissa Bank - The Girl's Guide To Hunting And Fishing
Lynne Reid Banks - The L-Shaped Room
Peter Barham - The Invisible Girl
Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Raised By Wolves
Brunonia Barry - The Lace Reader
Nicola Barry - Mother's Ruin
James Becker - The First Apostle
Steve Berry - The Amber Room
Steve Berry - The Third Secret
Mark Billingham - Buried
Mark Billingham - The Burning Girl
Maeve Binchy - Night Of Rain And Stars
Malorie Blackman - Noughts And Crosses
Enid Blyton - The Magic Faraway Tree
Enid Blyton - Hollow Tree House
S.J. Bolton - Sacrifice
Cupcake Brown - A Piece Of Cake
Dan Brown - Angels And Demons
Bill Bryson - A Short History Of Nearly Everything
Chelsea Cain - Heartsick/Sweetheart
Rachel Caine - Ghost Town
Alan Carr - Look Who It Is!
Amelia Carr - Dance With Wings
J.L. Carrell - The Shakespeare Secret
Stephen L. Carter - Palace Council
Diane Chamberlain - The Bay At Midnight
Lee Child - Killing Floor
Lee Child - Tripwire
Lee Child - The Visitor
Lee Child - Echo Burning
Lee Child - Without Fail
Lee Child - Persuader
Lee Child - The Enemy
Lee Child - One Shot
Lee Child - The Hard Way
Lee Child - Bad Luck And Trouble
John Christopher - The Death Of Grass
Harlan Coben - Promise Me
Harlan Coben - Fade Away/Back Spin
Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
Jenny Colgan - Working Wonders
John Connolly - The Book Of Lost Things
Michael Connelly - Nine Dragons
Michael Cordy - The Lucifer Code
Michael Cordy - The Venus Conspiracy
Patricia Cornwell - All That Remains
Patricia Cornwell - Cause Of Death
Patricia Cornwell - From Potter's Field
Patricia Cornwell - Point Of Origin
Patricia Cornwell - Scarpetta
Patricia Cornwell - The Scarpetta Factor
Patricia Cornwell - Unnatural Exposure
Justin Cronin - The Passage
Richie Tankersley Cusick – April Fools/Sinclair Smith – The Waitress/R.L. Stine – The Snowman
Roald Dahl - Fantastic Mr Fox
Roald Dahl - The Witches
Roald Dahl - The Twits
Roald Dahl - James and the Giant Peach
Roald Dahl - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Roald Dahl - The BFG
Roald Dahl - The Magic Finger
Roald Dahl - The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me
Roald Dahl - Esio Trot
Roald Dahl - Boy Tales & Childhood
Roald Dahl - Matilda
Roald Dahl - Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
Roald Dahl - Danny the Champion of the World
Roald Dahl - George's Marvellous Medicine
Roald Dahl - Going Solo
Iimani David - Anathema Rhodes: Dreams
Jeffrey Deaver - The Bone Collector
Jeffrey Deaver - The Coffin Dancer
Jeremy De Quidt - The Toymaker
Kishwar Desai - Witness The Night
Miranda Dickinson - Fairytale Of New York
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Case-Book Of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes
David Ebershoff - The 19th Wife
Kim Edwards - The Memory Keepers Daughter
Jon Evans - The Blood Price
John Fenton - Please Don't Make Me Go
Helen Fielding - Olivia Joules And The Overactive Imagination
Katie Flynn - A Mistletoe Kiss
Stephen Fry - The Book Of General Ignorance
Stephen Fry - The Book Of Animal Ignorance
Stephen Fry - QI Advanced Banter
Lisa Gardner - Alone
Lisa Gardner - The Neighbour
Alex Garland - The Tesseract
Tess Gerritsen - Whistleblower
Cathy Glass - The Saddest Girl In The World
Ben Goldacre - Bad Science
Arthur Golden - Memoirs Of A Geisha
Candy Gourlay - Tall Story
Mira Grant - Feed
Claudia Gray - Evernight
Claudia Gray - Hourglass
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
Joanne Harris - Chocolat
Thomas Harris - Hannibal Rising
Thomas Harris - Red Dragon / Silence Of The Lambs
Thomas Harris - Hannibal
Torey Hayden - Just Another Kid
Torey Hayden - Overheard In A Dream
Jonathan Hayes - Precious Blood
Judi Hendricks - Isabel's Daughter
David Hewson - The Seventh Sacrament
Jilliane Hoffman - Pretty Little Things
Wendy Holden - Simply Divine
Wendy Holden - Pastures Nouveaux
Debby Holt - Annie May's Black Book
Khaled Hosseini - A Thousand Splended Suns
Eva Ibbotson - The Dragonfly Pool
Immaculee Ilibagiza - Left To Tell
P.D. James - The Children Of Men
Tove Jansson - Moominsummer Madness
Shaun Jeffrey - The Kult
Lisa Jewell - 31 Dream Street
Paul Johnston - The Blood Tree
Ismail Kadare - Chronicle In Stone
Stacia Kane - Unholy Ghosts
Mitchell James Kaplan - By Fire, By Water
Alex Kava - A Perfect Evil
Faye Kellerman - The Burnt House
Jonathan Kellerman - A Cold Heart
Jonathan Kellerman - The Conspiracy Club
Kathleen Kent - The Heretic's Daughter
Simon Kernick - Relentless
Simon Kernick - Severed
Marian Keyes - Anybody Out There?
Stephen King - The Green Mile
Stephen King - Dreamcatcher
Stephen King - Cell
Sophie Kinsella - Remember Me?
Dorothy Koomson - My Best Friend's Girl
Dorothy Koomson - Marshmallows For Breakfast
Dean Koontz - Breathless
Dean Koontz - Brother Odd
Dean Koontz - Cold Fire
Dean Koontz - Dark Rivers Of The Heart
Dean Koontz - Demon Seed
Dean Koontz - Dragon Tears
Dean Koontz - Forever Odd
Dean Koontz - House Of Thunder
Dean Koontz - Odd Hours
Dean Koontz - Odd Thomas
Dean Koontz - Relentless
Dean Koontz - The Bad Place
Dean Koontz - The Face
Dean Koontz - Watchers
Derek Landy - Skulduggery Pleasant
Derek Landy - Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing With Fire
Derek Landy - Skulduggery Pleasant: The Faceless Ones
Lori Lansens - The Girls
Stephen Leather - Cold Kill
Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird
Marina Lewycka - A Short History Of Tractors In Ukrainian
John Ajvide Lindqvist - Let The Right One In
Matt Lowe - The Family Friend
Chris Manby - Getting Personal
Chris Manby - Girl Meets Ape
Chris Manby - Marrying For Money
Jill Mansell - Nadia Knows Best
Jill Mansell - Making Your Mind Up
Jill Mansell - Solo
Michael Marshall - The Intruders
Michael Marshall - The Straw Men
P.D. Martin - Body Count
Graham Masterton - Flesh & Blood
Ian McEwan - Atonement
Cody McFadyen - Shadow Man
Ewan McGregor & Charlie Boorman - Long Way Down
Anna McPartlin - Pack Up The Moon
Stephenie Meyer - The Host
Richard Montanari - Broken Angels
Richard Montanari - The Rosary Girls
Richard Montanari - The Skin Gods
Richard Montanari - Play Dead
Kate Mosse - Labyrinth
Jojo Moyes - The Peacock Emporium
Adam L G Nevill - Banquet For The Damned
Adam Nevill - Apartment 16
David Nicholls - One Day
Alyson Noel - Shadowland
Sheila O'Flanagan - Destinations
Paul O'Grady - At My Mother's Knee...
Sharon Osbourne - Extreme: My Autobiography
Leonardo Padura - Havana Black
P.J. Parrish - Dark Of The Moon
P.J. Parrish - A Thousand Bones
Katherine Paterson - Bridge To Terabithia
James Patterson - Along Came A Spider
James Patterson - Kiss The Girls
James Patterson - Jack And Jill
Dave Pelzer - Help Yourself
Jodi Picoult - Nineteen Minutes
Jodi Picoult - Salem Falls
Jodi Picoult - Handle With Care
Jodi Picoult - Songs Of The Humpback Whale
Nicholas Pileggi - Goodfellas
Terry Pratchett - Good Omens
Richard Preston - The Hot Zone
Ian Rankin - A Question Of Blood
Kathy Reichs - Deadly Decisions
Kathy Reichs - Death Du Jour
Kathy Reichs - Deja Dead
Kathy Reichs - Monday Mourning
Tom Reynolds - I Hate Myself And Want To Die
Eva Rice - The Lost Art Of Keeping Secrets
Ann Rinaldi - A Break With Charity
Rick Riordan - The Lightning Thief
Karen Rose - Don't Tell
Karen Rose - I Can See You
Karen Rose - Nothing To Fear
Karen Rose - Count To Ten
Jonathan Ross - Why Do I Say These Things?
Eva Schloss - Eva's Story
New Scientist - Do Polar Bears Get Lonely?
New Scientist - Does Anything Eat Wasps?
New Scientist - Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?
Claire Seeber - Bad Friends
Åsne Seierstad - The Bookseller Of Kabul
Darren Shan - Cirque Du Freak/The Vampire's Assistant/Tunnels Of Blood
Anita Shreve - A Wedding In December
Anita Shreve – All He Ever Wanted
Anita Shreve – Eden Close
Anita Shreve – Resistance
Anita Shreve – Sea Glass
Anita Shreve – Strange Fits Of Passion
Anita Shreve – The Pilot’s Wife
Anita Shreve – The Weight Of Water
Anita Shreve – Where or When
Lionel Shriver - We Need To Talk About Kevin
James Siegel - Detour / Derailed
Karin Slaughter - Triptych
Karin Slaughter - Fractured
L.J. Smith - Night World: Secret Vampire/Daughters Of Darkness/Enchantress
L.J. Smith - Night World: Dark Angel/The Chosen/Soulmate
L.J. Smith - Night World: Huntress/Black Dawn/Witchlight
Koji Suzuki - Ring
Rosie Thomas - Iris And Ruby
Scarlett Thomas - PopCo
Newton Thornburg - Cutter And Bone
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit
Jessica Verday - The Hollow
Rachel Vincent - Stray
Rachel Vincent - Rogue
Rachel Vincent - Pride
Rachel Vincent - Prey
Rachel Vincent - Shift
John Vornholt et al - Buffy The Vampire Slayer omnibus 1
John Vornholt et al - Buffy The Vampire Slayer omnibus 2
Danny Wallace - Join Me
Lee Weeks - Kiss & Die
Lauren Weisberger - The Devil Wears Prada
Lauren Weisberger - Chasing Harry Winston
Suzanne Weyn - Distant Waves
Anne Williams - Infamous Scandals
Tim Winton - Cloudstreet
Deborah Wright - Under My Spell
Nick Yapp - True Crime
Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The Angel's Game

273 Books TBR
Updated *08/02/11*


Release Dates ~
Saundra Mitchell - The Vespertine (7 Mar)
Bianca Turetsky - The Time-Traveling Fashionista (5 Apr)
Rachel Ward - Numbers 3: Infinity (6 Jun)
Thalia Chaltas - Displacement (9 Jun)
Lauren Baratz-Logsted - The Little Women (and Me) (16 Aug)
Jackson Pearce - Sweetly (23 Aug)
Markus Zusak - The Bridge Of Clay (1 Sep)
Charlaine Harris - The Sookie Stackhouse Companion (15 Sep)

Most Wanted ~
Tara Bennett - Lost Encyclopedia
Suzanne Harper - The Juliet Club
Oliver James - They F*** You Up
Ali McNamara - From Nottinghill With Love...Actually

Young Adult ~
Stephen Gately - The Tree Of Seasons
Joanne Horniman - Secret Scribbled Notebooks
Maureen Johnson - 13 Little Blue Envelopes
Jo Knowles - Lessons From A Dead Girl
Kristina McBride - The Tension Of Opposites
Ann Packer - The Dive From Clausen's Pier
Jerry Spinelli - Milkweed

Thriller ~
Emily Barr - The Sisterhood
Julie Corbin - Tell Me No Secrets
Alex Garland - The Coma
Sam Hayes - Tell-Tale / Unspoken
Liz Jensen - The Rapture
Stephen King - Goes To The Movies
Kevin Lewis - Kaitlyn
Alexandra Sokoloff - The Price
Erica Spindler - Forbidden Fruit
Boris Starling - Messiah
Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The Prince Of Mist

Fiction ~
Hans Christian Asbosen - The ASBO Fairy Tales
Gerald Brom - The Child Thief / The Plucker / The Devil's Rose
Polly Courtney - The Day I Died 
Lucy Dillon - Lost Dogs And Lonely Hearts
Keith Donohue - The Stolen Child
Chris Van Dusen - Grey's Anatomy: Notes From The Nurses Station
Mike Gayle - The To-Do List
Mary Hooper - Newes From The Dead
Judith Kerr - Out Of The Hitler Time
Maureen Lindley - The Private Papers Of Eastern Jewel
Gregory Maguire - Wicked
Haruki Murakami - A Wild Sheep Chase / Dance, Dance, Dance
Amy Krouse Rosenthal - Encyclopaedia Of An Ordinary Life
Emerson Spartz & Ben Schoen - Harry Potter Should Have Died
Carl-Johan Vallgren - The Horrific Sufferings Of The Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot

Non-Fiction ~
Jackie Clune - Extreme Motherhood: The Triplet Diaries
Ant & Dec - Ooh! What A Lovely Pair
Chris Ellis - Killer Catchers
Anne Frank - The Diary Of A Young Girl
Stephen Fry - Last Chance To See
Joseph Galliano - Dear Me: A Letter To My Sixteen-Year-Old Self
Mineko Iwasaki - Geisha Of Gion
Graham Norton - So Me
Bill Shapiro - Other People's Love Letters: 150 Letters You Were Never Meant To See
Danny Wallace - Yes Man / Friends Like These
Julie Walters - That's Another Story
Frank Warren - Extraordinary Confessions From Ordinary Lives / My Secret / The Secret Lives of Men and Women / A Lifetime Of Secrets
Kevin Wells - Goodbye, Dearest Holly

Read But Don't Own ~
Tess Gerritsen - Keeping The Dead
Sara Gruen - Water For Elephants

Around The World Book Challenge

The aim of this challenge is to read at least one book set in a country or by an author from all the countries in the world. I'll be keeping my proposed reading list here and then marking off a country/book once I've read it.

8.88% completed
Create your own visited map of The World

~ Africa ~

Algeria ~ Yasmina Khadra - Swallows Of Kabul
Angola ~ Jose Eduardo Agualusa - Creole
Benin ~ Annie Caulfield - Show Me The Magic: Travels Round Benin By Taxi
Botswana ~ Caitlin Davies - Place Of Reeds
Burkina Faso ~ Malidoma Patrice Some - Of Water And The Spirit
Burundi ~ Gilbert Tuhabonye - The Running Man
Cameroon ~ Gerald Durrell - A Zoo In My Luggage
Cape Verde ~ Germano Almeida - The Last Will and Testament of Senor Da Silva
Central African Republic ~ Louis Sarno - Song From The Forest: My Life Among The Ba-Benjelle Pygmies
Chad ~ Joseph Brahim Seid - Told By Starlight In Chad
Comoros ~ Paul Greenway - Lonely Planet: Madagascar & Comoros
Congo Brazzaville ~ Alain Mabanckou - Broken Glass
Congo Kinshasa ~ Barbara Kingsolver - The Poisonwood Bible
Cote d'Ivoire ~ Ahmadou Kourouma - Allah Is Not Obliged
Djibouti ~ Abdourahman A. Waberi - The Land without Shadows
Egypt ~ Alaa Al Aswany - The Yacoubian Building
Equatorial Guinea ~ Adam Roberts - The Wonga Coup
Eritrea ~ Hannah Pool - My Father's Daughter
Ethiopia ~ Dinaw Mengestu - Children of the Revolution
Gambia ~ Dayo Forster - Reading the Ceiling
*Ghana ~ Michael Cordy - The Venus Conspiracy
Guinea ~ Camara Laye - The Dark Child
Guinea-Bissau ~ Ian Stewart - Ambushed: A War Reporter's Life On The Line
Kenya ~ Ngugi Wa Thiong'o - A Grain Of Wheat
Lesotho ~ Thomas Mofolo - Traveller To The East
Liberia ~ Helene Cooper - The House At Sugar Beach
Libya ~ Hisham Matar - In The Country of Men
Madagascar ~ Paul Greenway - Lonely Planet: Madagascar & Comoros
*Malawi ~ Michelle Paver - Wolf Brother
Mali ~ D.T. Niane - Sundiata: Epic Of Old Mali
Mauritania ~ Lauren Goodsmith - The Children Of Mauritania
Mauritius ~ Lindsey Collen - Getting Rid Of It
Morocco ~ Malika Oufkir - Stolen Lives: Twenty Years In A Desert Jail
Mozambique ~ Mia Couto - Sleepwalking Land
Namibia ~ Neshani Andreas - The Purple Violet of Oshaantu
Niger ~
*Nigeria ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Half Of A Yellow Sun
*Rwanda ~ Imaculee Ilibigiza - Left to Tell
Sao Tome and Principe ~
Senegal ~ Sembene Ousmane - God's Bits of Wood
Seychelles ~ Joshua Doder - Grk: Operation Tortoise
Sierra Leone ~ Ishmael Beah - A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
Somalia ~ Aman - Aman: Story of a Somali Girl
*South Africa ~ Natasha Mostert - The Keeper
Sudan ~ Daoud Hari - The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur
Swaziland ~ Martha Mphahlele - A Time Of Bliss
Tanzania ~ Abdulrazak Gurnah - By The Sea
Togo ~ Fauziya Kassindja - Do They Hear You When You Cry
Tunisia ~ Albert Memmi - The Pillar Of Salt
Uganda ~ Doreen Baingana - Tropical Fish: Tales From Entebbe
Western Sahara ~
Zambia ~ Malama Katulwende - Bitterness
Zimbabwe ~ Tsitsi Dangarembga - Nervous Conditions

~ Americas ~

Anguilla ~
Antigua and Barbuda ~ Jamaica Kincaid - Annie John
*Argentina ~ Ernesto 'Che' Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
Aruba ~ Dave Holloway - Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway And Corruption In Paradise
Bahamas ~ Richard Laymon - Island
Barbados ~ George Lamming - In The Castle Of My Skin
Belize ~ Zee Edgell - The Festival of San Joaquin
Bermuda ~ Gian Quasar - Into The Bermuda Triangle
Bolivia ~ Deborah Ellis - I Am A Taxi
*Brazil ~ Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
British Virgin Islands ~
*Canada ~ Kelley Armstrong - Broken
Cayman Islands ~
Chile ~ Isabel Allende - Paula
Colombia ~ Gabriel García Márquez - News Of A Kidnapping
Costa Rica ~ Michelle Richmond - A Year Of Fog
*Cuba ~ Leonardo Padura - Havana Black
Dominica ~ Marie-Elena John - Unburnable
Dominican Republic ~ Junot Díaz - Drown
Ecuador ~ James Scudamore - The Amnesia Clinic
El Salvador ~ Mark Danner - The Massacre At El Mozote
Falkland Islands ~
French Guiana ~
Greenland ~
Grenada ~ Merle Collins - Angel
Guadeloupe ~
Guatemala ~ Ben Mikaelsen - Tree Girl
Guyana ~ Pauline Melville - The Ventriloquist's Tale
Haiti ~ Edwidge Danticat - Breath, Eyes, Memory
Honduras ~ Terry Trueman - Hurricane
Jamaica ~ Kwame Dawes - She's Gone
Martinique ~
Mexico ~ Laura Esquivel - Like Water For Chocolate
Monserrat ~
Netherlands Antilles ~
Nicaragua ~ Gioconda Belli - The Country Under My Skin
Panama ~ Cristina Henriquez - Come Together, Fall Apart
Paraguay ~
Peru ~ Mario Vargas Llosa - Aunt Julia And The Scriptwriter
Puerto Rico ~
St. Kitts & Nevis ~ Randall Robinson - Quitting America
St. Lucia ~ Derek Walcott - Selected Poetry
St. Vincent & the Grenadines ~ H. Nigel Thomas - Return to Arcadia
Suriname ~
Trinidad & Tobago ~ Amanda Smyth - Black Rock
Turks and Caicos Islands ~
*United States of America ~ Tess Gerritsen - Keeping The Dead
Uruguay ~ Juan Carlos Onetti - The Shipyard
Venezuela ~
Virgin Islands ~

~ Asia ~

*Afghanistan ~ Khaled Hosseini - A Thousand Splendid Suns
Bahrain ~ Ali Al Saeed - QuixotiQ
Bangladesh ~ Monica Ali - Brick Lane
Bhutan ~ Eric Weiner - The Geography Of Bliss
Brunei ~
Cambodia ~ Loung Ung - First They Killed My Father
*China ~ Adeline Yen Mah - Falling Leaves Return To Their Roots
East Timor ~ Luis Cardoso - The Crossing
*India ~ Vikas Swarup - Slumdog Millionaire
Indonesia ~ Pramoedya Ananta Toer - All That Is Gone
Iran ~ Azar Nafisi - Reading 'Lolita' In Tehran
Iraq ~ Mahmoud Saeed - Saddam City
Israel ~ Amal Rifa'i, Odelia Ainbinde & Sylke Tempel - We Just Want to Live Here
*Japan ~ Haruki Murakami - The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Jordan ~ Queen Noor - A Leap Of Faith: Memoir Of An Unexpected Life
Kazakhstan ~ Anatole Konstantin - A Red Boyhood
Kuwait ~ Randa Jarrar - A Map Of Home
Kyrgyzstan ~ Chingiz Aitmatov - Jamilia
Laos ~ Colin Cotterill - The Coroner's Lunch
Lebanon ~ Hanan Al-Shaykh - I Sweep The Sun Off Rooftops
Malaysia ~ Jacqueline Pascarl-Gillespie - Once I Was A Princess | Rani Manicka - The Rice Mother
Maldives ~
Mongolia ~ Galsan Tschinag - The Blue Sky
Myanmar ~
Nepal ~ Samrat Upadhyay - The Guru of Love
North Korea ~ Hyejin Kim - Jia: A Novel Of North Korea
Oman ~
Pakistan ~ Mahsin Hamid - The Reluctant Fundementalist
Palestinian Authority ~ Souad - Burned Alive
Philippines ~ Hampton Sides - Ghost Soldiers
Qatar ~
*Saudi Arabia ~ Rajaa Alsanea - Girls of Riyadh
Singapore ~ Catherine Lim - Following The Wrong God Home
South Korea ~ Lee Seung-U - The Reverse Side of Life
Sri Lanka ~ Roma Tearne - Mosquito
Syria ~ Muhammad Kamil Al-Khatib - Just Like a River
Taiwan ~ Francie Lin - The Foreigner
Tajikistan ~
Thailand ~
Turkey ~ Elif Shafak - The Bastard Of Istanbul
Turkmenistan ~
United Arab Emirates ~
Uzbekistan ~ Hamid Ismailov - The Railway
Vietnam ~ Bao Ninh - The Sorrow Of War
Yemen ~ Mary Quin - Kidnapped In Yemen

~ Australia & Pacific ~

American Samoa ~
*Australia ~ Markus Zusak - The Book Thief
Cook Islands ~
Fiji ~ Nicholas Hogg - Show Me The Sky
French Polynesia ~
Guam ~
Kiribati ~
Marshall Islands ~ Theresa Kelly - Dream A Little Dream
Micronesia ~ Christopher Moore - Island Of The Sequined Love Nun
Nauru ~
New Caledonia ~
New Zealand ~ Lloyd Jones - Mister Pip
Niue ~
Norfolk Island ~
Northern Mariana Islands ~
Palau ~
Papua New Guinea ~ Epeli Hau'ofa - Tales of the Tikongs
Pitcairn Islands ~
Solomon Islands ~ Homer Hickam - The Ambassador's Son
Tonga ~ Philip Weiss - American Taboo: A Murder In The Peace Corps
Tuvalu ~
Vanuatu ~ J. Maarten Troost - Getting Stoned With Savages
Western Samoa - Albert Wendt - The Book Of The Black Star

~ Europe ~

*Albania ~ Ismail Kadare - Chronical In Stone
Andorra ~ Kresley Cole - If You Dare
Armenia ~ Adam Bagdasarian - Forgotten Fire
*Austria ~ Eva Ibbotson - The Dragonfly Pool
Azerbaijan ~ Kurban Said - Ali And Nino: A Love Story
Belarus ~ Peter Duffy - The Bielski Brothers
*Belgium ~ Anita Shreve - Resistance
Bosnia & Herzegovina ~ Zlata Filipovic - Zlata's Diary
Bulgaria ~ Elizabeth Kostova - The Historian
*Channel Islands ~ Mary Ann Shaffer - The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society
Croatia ~ Clea Koff - The Bone Woman
Cyprus ~ M. M. Kaye - Death In Cyprus
Czech Republic ~ Bohumil Hrabal - The Little Town Where Time Stood Still
Denmark ~ Peter Hoeg - The Quiet Girl
Estonia ~ Mati Unt - Diary of a Blood Donor
Faroe Islands ~
*Finland ~ Tove Jansson - A Winter Book
*France ~ Jean-Dominique Bauby - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Georgia ~
*Germany ~ Bernhard Schlink - The Reader
Gibraltar ~
Greece ~ Gerald Durrell - My Family And Other Animals
Hungary ~ Imre Kertesz - Kaddish for an Unborn Child
Iceland ~ Arnaldur Indridason - Arctic Chill
*Ireland ~ Sebastian Barry - The Secret Scripture
*Italy ~ Marina Fiorato - The Madonna Of The Almonds
Latvia ~ Henning Mankell - The Dogs Of Riga
Liechtenstein ~ Bill Bryson - Neither Here Nor There
*Lithuania ~ Thomas Harris - Hannibal Rising
Luxembourg ~ Vitali Vitaliev - Little Is The Light
Macedonia ~ Mary Renault - Fire From Heaven
Malta ~ Lyn Hamilton - The Maltese Goddess
Moldova ~ Tony Hawks - Playing The Moldovans At Tennis
Monaco ~ Giorgio Faletti - I Kill
Montenegro ~
Netherlands ~ Harry Mulisch - The Assault
*Norway ~ Jo Nesbo - The Snowman
*Poland ~ Morris Gleitzman - Once
Portugal ~ Monica Ali - Alentejo Blue | José Saramago - Blindness
Romania ~ Elie Wiesel - Night
*Russia ~ Sarwat Chadda - Dark Goddess
San Marino ~
Serbia ~ Ivo Andric - The Bridge Over The Drina
Slovakia ~ Kathryn Winter - Katarina
Slovenia ~ Drago Jancar - Joyce's Pupil
*Spain ~ Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The Angel's Game
*Sweden ~ Steig Larsson - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Switzerland ~ Johanna Spyri - Heidi
*Ukraine ~ Marina Lewycka - A Short History Of Tractors In Ukrainian
*United Kingdom ~ Jenny Downham - Before I Die
*Vatican City ~ Dan Brown - Angels And Demons

*Completed - 20
*Own/To be read - 14
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