
No. of pages: 371
Rating: 8/10
Series: Billi SanGreal (Book 2)
Synopsis: Billi SanGreal is a Knight Templar and has thrown herself utterly into their brutal regime, shutting herself off from everyone and everything. But when Billi finds herself at the heart of a savage werewolf attack, she knows their target – a young girl – must be rescued at all costs. For this is no ordinary girl. Vasalisa is an avatar with an uncontrollable force within – and it’s not just the werewolves who want her. The Dark Goddess wants to sacrifice Vasalisa and use her powers to unleash unimaginable catastrophes and devastation. Can Billi protect Vasalisa from the ancient goddess – and at the same time stop her from destroying the world?
Review: Billi SanGreal is a member of The Knights Templar, and fights to rid the world of the Unholy. So when Billi saves a young girl from werewolves, she's pleased that she saved a life. But then she finds out that the werewolves will stop at nothing to get Vasalisa, as their Goddess wants her desperately. It falls to Billi to protect Vasalisa, or risk killing all of mankind...
I hadn't heard of this series, or this author when I was sent this book for review, but the fact it was about The Knights Templar piqued my interest, and I was excited to read something new about them. Another thing that caught my attention was the cover. I know they say never to judge a book by its cover, but this is the exception where you absolutely must judge it by its cover! It's gorgeous, and ties in to the book perfectly, it's definitely one of the best covers I've ever seen for a book. The story itself was gripping from the offset, I really enjoyed reading about the chase across Russia, and found everything was so fantastically described that it almost felt like I was running through the freezing snow with Billi myself. I was also really surprised to find how deeply the author had researched, and it clearly shone through during the story, especially when it came to the tales about Baba Yaga. This was a great read, and I will definitely be going back and reading the first book Devil's Kiss, and I really hope there's more to come from Billi SanGreal.