
No. of pages: 434
Rating: 8/10
Synopsis: 'Stephen Fry is one of the great originals. This autobiography of his first twenty years is a pleasure to read, mixing outrageous acts with sensible opinions in bewildering confusion. That so much outward charm, self-awareness and intellect should exist alongside behaviour that threatened to ruin the lives of innocent victims, noble parents and Fry himself, gives the book a tragic grandeur and lifts it to classic status.' - Financial Times
Review: Moab Is My Washpot follows Stephen Fry through his first 20 years of life. Mostly focusing on his life at boarding school, then following him as he gets himself into deeper and deeper trouble, ending with how he managed to turn his life around and become the well known and adored actor he is now.
Written in a very intelligent manner as you'd expect from such an intelligent man, this book gives you a huge insight into his past and what made him the man he is today. I didn't know much about Stephen Fry's past before reading this, and was quite surprised to see how frank he had been about everything that happened to him. There is a lot about his struggling sexuality, his need to steal and his love of knowledge, but you can also feel the confusion of a teenage boy trying to figure out where he belongs in the world. It was incredibly interesting to read, and it took me quite a while to finish as there's just so much to take in from the book. There's a fair amount of sexual references which might bother some people, but I didn't mind it. I'm glad to have caught a small insight into Stephen Fry's life, and it's just made me love him all that much more.