January Summary

Books completed ~ 8
Daniel Waters - Kiss Of Life 3/5
Ally Condie - Matched 4/5
Rachel Ward - Numbers 3.5/5
Rachel Ward - Numbers 2: The Chaos 3.5/5
James Dashner - The Scorch Trials 4/5
Teresa Medeiros - Goodnight Tweetheart 5/5
Alyson Noel - Radiance 4/5
Sebastian Fitzek - Splinter 3/5

Books bought ~ 4
Sebastian Fitzek - Splinter (ebook)
S.L. Grey - The Mall (ebook)
Stephen Jones - The Mammoth Book Of Best New Horror 20 (ebook)
Daniel Hahn - The Ultimate Teen Book Guide

Other books incoming ~ 1
Stephen King - Everything's Eventual (swapped)

Other posts ~
# Teaser Tuesdays - Splinter / Radiance

Overall ~
I'm really pleased that I managed to get 8 read this month, I was expecting the number to be far lower, so that's been a nice surprise! My favourite reads were Goodnight Tweetheart and The Scorch Trials, both were really great reads. My least favourite was Kiss Of Life, I'm just sadly not enjoying that series as much as I had hoped too. Next month I'm just hoping to read as much as I have this month, and if possible maybe even read a bit more! It'd be nice to see my reading mojo back that's for sure! :)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (33)

This weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through Books.

In the past week I read:

Alyson Noel - Radiance 4/5
Sebastian Fitzek - Splinter 3/5

At the moment I'm reading:

Becca Fitzpatrick - Crescendo

In the next week I hope to read:

Emma Donoghue - Room
Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Raised By Wolves

In My Mailbox (27)

In My Mailbox is a meme created by The Story Siren, and sums up my past week in book purchases!

So this week I bought 1 book:


Daniel Hahn & Leonie Flynn - The Ultimate Teen Book Guide

Stuck for something to read? Whether you’re searching for a book to blow your mind and change your life, or just a light read for the beach, The Ultimate Teen Book Guide is the perfect place to start.

The book includes recommendations from teen reviewers and your favorite authors—over 700 books total—so prepare to be inspired! Whether you like fantasy, horror, chick lit, graphic novels, sci-fi, crime . . . From true classics to must-read cult fiction, from the top award-winners to up-to-the minute bestsellers, there’s something for everyone.

Book Blogger Hop (11)


Welcome hoppers from the book blogger hop! In case you don't know what I'm talking about, this is a weekly event hosted by Crazy for Books where bloggers and readers can find each other and share their love for books!

If you're hopping by here, leave a comment and I'll be sure to visit you in return! :)

What book are you most looking forward to seeing published in 2011? Why are you anticipating that book?

Too many to mention! You can check them all out here.

Teaser Tuesdays (26)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Just do the following:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
4. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
5. Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser:
All I knew for sure was that the bridge I had crossed over to make the trip Here was strictly a one-way-only kind of thing. And I know this because I happened to look back the second I'd made it to the other side.

~ Radiance by Alyson Noel.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (32)


This weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through Books.

In the past week I read:

Teresa Medeiros - Goodnight Tweetheart 5/5

At the moment I'm reading:

Sebastian Fitzek - Splinter
Alyson Noel - Radiance
Tom Reynolds - Blood, Sweat & Tea

In the next week I hope to read:

Becca Fitzpatrick - Crescendo

In My Mailbox (26)

In My Mailbox is a meme created by The Story Siren, and sums up my past week in book purchases!

So this week I swapped 1 book:


Stephen King - Everything's Eventual

In this eerie, enchanting compilation, King takes readers down a road less travelled (for good reason) in the blockbuster e-book 'Riding the Bullet', terror becomes déjà vu all over again when you get 'That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It is in French' and LT has a theory about pets which will make you stop and think before giving one as a present to a loved one – along with eleven more stories that will keep you awake until dawn.

Nothing is quite as it seems. Expect the unexpected in this veritable treasure trove of enthralling, witty, dark tales that could only come from the imagination of the greatest storyteller of our time.

Book Blogger Hop (10)


Welcome hoppers from the book blogger hop! In case you don't know what I'm talking about, this is a weekly event hosted by Crazy for Books where bloggers and readers can find each other and share their love for books!

If you're hopping by here, leave a comment and I'll be sure to visit you in return! :)

The Small Hand by Susan Hill


No. of pages: 167
Rating: 4/10

Synopsis: Returning home from a visit to a client late one summer’s evening, antiquarian bookseller Adam Snow takes a wrong turning and stumbles across the derelict old White House. Compelled by curiosity, he approaches the door, and, standing before the entrance feels the unmistakable sensation of a small hand creeping into his own, ‘as if a child had taken hold of it’. Intrigued by the encounter, he determines to learn more, and discovers that the owner’s grandson had drowned tragically many years before. At first unperturbed by the odd experience, Snow begins to be plagued by haunting dreams, panic attacks, and more frequent visits from the small hand which become increasingly threatening and sinister…

Review: Having taken a wrong turn on a country road, Adam Snow accidentally comes across a once beautiful, but now run down abandoned house. As he stands admiring it, he feels a little hand slip in to his, but to his horror, there is no one stood beside him. As he tries to forget the experience, he feels the hand slip in to his again, and realises he needs to find out more about the house that led him to the hand...

A pretty disappointing read overall really. I was expecting a scary ghost story and it was nothing of the sort, and I actually found it to be pretty dull. It had so much potential to be great as well which is a shame. I did enjoy the mystery aspect of the plot as so far as I wanted to know the story behind the hand, but didn't really feel that it was explained to much extent. The characters were never explored to any depth, so I never felt like I got to know or like any of them. I think the best bit about this book is the fact it's so short, so it didn't take long to get through. I don't think I'd read anything by this author again.

Blood Vines by Erica Spindler

No. of pages: 483
Rating: 8/10

Synopsis: Alex Owens knows very little about her childhood or who she really is - her only family an absent, emotionally fragile mother. Alex has always felt something was missing and has spent most of her life searching for what that could be. When an infant's remains are unearthed, Alex realises she has a connection to the case. Suddenly long-lost memories start flooding in, leading her back to a small town in California and to dark and terrifying nightmares that haunt her every waking moment. Greeted with silence and suspicion, Alex is determined to get to the heart of a secret no one wants to see uncovered. As violent deaths and a series of pagan rituals terrify the tightly-knit community, Alex is forced to confront the terrible truth about a single night that changed her family's lives for ever...

Review: Alex has always had strange dreams, and coupled with the secrets her mother quite obviously keeps from her, she feels that something is missing in her life, but she has no idea what. But when she's contacted about the death of a baby she has no clue about, she realises the secrets her mother kept are coming back to haunt them...

It's well known that Erica is one of my favourite thriller writers, and this book is no exception to the rule. It was gripping and full of twists from page one, and maybe a tad more dark that some of her other books because it's about the murder of a little baby. I really felt quite suffocated at times during the story, which goes to show how great the writing is. It was great as always to see all of the puzzle pieces falling into place, and there were plenty of surprises, including the ending which I didn't see coming. It's well worth a read if you're looking for a gripping thriller that you can't put down!

The Fledgling Handbook by P.C. Cast

No. of pages: 157
Rating: 6/10
Series: House Of Night (Handbook)

Synopsis: Merry meet, fledgling. I trust this guide will serve you well...Every vampyre fledgling who arrives at the House of Night receives a copy of The Fledgling Handbook 101, and now, fans can have one, too, with this gorgeous must-have edition. Inside you'll find original stories, the complete vampyre history, inside info into rituals, vamp biology, and the Change, and much more.

Review: A companion guide to the House Of Night series. The Fledgling Handbook is given to all new vampyre fledglings upon arriving at the House Of Night, and it describes many aspects of life as a vampyre, including history, ritual information, what will happen during your change and almost everything else!

I was kind of looking forward to this, as it's mentioned so much during the series and I was so curious what would be in it. I felt mostly disappointed though, it's super short, and still it dragged when I was reading the pages, and there isn't even that much text in there either! The pages are lovely though, thick shiny paper, and lots of pretty pictures and such on them. Basically it's just filler, most of the stuff in it, you know from the series itself and it was clearly released just to cash in on the success of the series. Not worth buying in my opinion, but if you're interested, borrow from a friend or the library.

The Snowman by Jo Nesbo

No. of pages: 550
Rating: 9/10
Series: Harry Hole (Book 7)

Synopsis: The night the first snow falls a young boy wakes to find his mother gone. He walks through the silent house, but finds only wet footprints on the stairs. In the garden looms a solitary figure: a snowman bathed in cold moonlight, its black eyes glaring up at the bedroom windows. Round its neck is his mother’s pink scarf. Inspector Harry Hole is convinced there is a link between the disappearance and a menacing letter he received some months earlier. As Harry and his team delve into unsolved case files, they discover that an alarming number of wives and mothers have gone missing over the years. When a second woman disappears Harry’s suspicions are confirmed: he is a pawn in a deadly game. For the first time in his career Harry finds himself confronted with a serial killer operating on his turf, a killer who will drive him to the brink of insanity.

Review: A little boy awakes to find his mother has disappeared, upon his search for her around the house, he sees a snowman in the garden with his mother's scarf wrapped around it. A few days later, another mother goes missing, and there's another snowman. So begins Harry Hole's chase after the 'Snowman' serial killer, but considering Harry is a disgraced ex-alcoholic, it's not going to be a smooth ride...

My one and only niggle about this book is the cover, I absolutely hate the massive 'the next Stieg Larsson' sign, and it almost put me off of reading this book completely. It's like comparing an apple to a banana, sure they're both fruits, but that's where the similarities end, and it's the same with these authors. Personally, I prefered this book over the one I've read by Stieg Larsson, so I find the sign a bit frustrating, plus it's rude to try and launch an author in a new country by saying he's 'like' an already established author, especially when they have so much talent and merit of their own. Apart from that I loved this book! It very dark, and truly what a thriller should be in every sense. Harry Hole is one of those characters that's hard to love, but he's great at his job, and I found him to be very funny throughout the book. I loved the mystery of the murders, and it unravelled nicely, with lots of twists and turns. I thought I knew who the killer was a few times, but of course I was completely and utterly wrong! The ending was amazing, one of the best endings I've ever read in a thriller book, and I cannot stress enough how great a thriller this book is! If you're a fan of them, then this is definitely a MUST read. I can't wait to get my hands on more books from this series!

Teaser Tuesdays (25)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Just do the following:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
4. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
5. Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser:
Looking into those bulging eyes, he smelt the fear in which the dank little room was steeped. He could feel it on his skin and taste it under his tongue, and knew that, in the next few seconds, he himself would be in excruciating pain - as if his own eyeball were being scooped from its socket and the optic nerve severed with a pair of rusty secateurs.

~ Splinter by Sebastian Fitzek.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (31)


This weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through Books.

In the past week I read:

Ally Condie - Matched 4/5
Rachel Ward - Numbers 3.5/5
Rachel Ward - Numbers 2: The Chaos 3.5/5
James Dashner - The Scorch Trials 4/5

At the moment I'm reading:

Sebastian Fitzek - Splinter
Tom Reynolds - Blood, Sweat & Tea

In the next week I hope to read:

Stephen King - Everything's Eventual
Mira Grant - Feed

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (30)


This weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through Books.

In the past week I read:

Daniel Waters - Kiss Of Life 3/5

At the moment I'm reading:

Tom Reynolds - Blood, Sweat & Tea
Ally Condie - Matched

In the next week I hope to read:

Rachel Ward - Numbers
Rachel Ward - Numbers 2: The Chaos

In My Mailbox (25)

In My Mailbox is a meme created by The Story Siren, and sums up my past week in book purchases!

So this week I bought 3 ebooks for my shiny new Kindle:


Sebastian Fitzek - Splinter

Marc Lucas had it all, and lost it all. He is only slowly putting his life back together after the car crash that killed his pregnant wife, when things start to go strangely wrong for him. Nothing too sinister to begin with: his credit cards stop working. But then his key no longer fits his door, and he discovers someone else working in his office. Much worse is to come: he returns home to find himself face to face with his once-dead wife, and she doesn’t have a clue who he is. The next day, there is no trace of her. Could this have anything to do with the clinic? They wanted to test their ability to remove traumatic memories from live subjects. Marc had met them, just once, but declined their experimental technology. He now fears they may have begun their tests illicitly... Can he discover just what is happening to him before the waking nightmare he finds himself living overwhelms his sanity?



S.L. Grey - The Mall

Dan is an angsty emo-kid who works in a deadly dull shopping mall. He hates his job.

Rhoda is a junkie whose babysitting charge ran off while she was scoring cocaine. She hates her life. Rhoda bullies Dan into helping her search, but as they explore the neon-lit corridors behind the mall, disturbing text messages lure them into the bowels of the building, where old mannequins are stored in grave-like piles and raw sewage drips off the ceiling. The only escape is down.

Plummeting into the earth in a disused service lift playing head-splitting Musak, Dan and Rhoda enter a sinister underworld that mirrors their worst fears. They finally escape, but something feels different. Why are the shoppers all pumped full of silicone? Why are the shop assistants chained to their counters? And why is a café called McColon’s selling lumps of bleeding meat?

Just when they think they’ve made it back to the mall, they realize the nightmare has only just begun...



Stephen Jones - The Mammoth Book Of Best New Horror 20

This title includes the year's best, and darkest, tales of terror, showcasing the most outstanding new short stories and novellas by contemporary masters of the macabre, including the likes of Ramsey Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Brian Keene, Tanith Lee, Elizabeth Massie, Kim Newman, Michael Marshall Smith, and Gene Wolfe. "The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror" also includes a comprehensive annual overview of horror around the world in all its incarnations; an impressively researched necrology; and, a list of indispensable contact addresses for the dedicated horror fan and aspiring writer alike. It is required reading for every fan of macabre fiction.

New Look

Welcome to the new look at Book Sanctuary! The old layout, while much loved, had been up for 2 years, and I felt like I needed something new. I got a mixed response about changing it when I asked for opinions on Twitter, so in the end I just went with my heart and changed it. I think it looks lovely and I have now also installed IntenseDebate, so I can now reply to comments also. So to those who are still following the blog after the recent lull, thank you! I really appreciate it and I hope to really spruce up the place in the coming weeks :)

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore


No. of pages: 368
Rating: 8/10
Series: Lorien Legacies (Book 1)

Synopsis: John Smith is not your average teenager. He regularly moves from small town to small town. He changes his name and identity. He does not put down roots. He cannot tell anyone who or what he really is. If he stops moving those who hunt him will find and kill him. But you can’t run forever. So when he stops in Paradise, Ohio, John decides to try and settle down. To fit in. And for the first time he makes some real friends. People he cares about – and who care about him. Never in John’s short life has there been space for friendship, or even love. But it’s just a matter of time before John’s secret is revealed. He was once one of nine. Three of them have been killed. John is Number Four. He knows that he is next...

Review: John is number 4 of the last of 9 of his race. They can only be killed in order, so when 3 is killed, John knows it's just a matter of time before he's hunted down. But John is sick of running, and is determined to stay in one place and put down some roots, but will staying in just one place make it easier for the hunters to find and kill him?

I was looking forward to this for ages before it was even released, and so I was really pleased that I enjoyed it. It was a little different to what I was expecting, but not by much, and not in a way that diminished my thoughts of it at all. I loved the main characters, and thought they all had great personality and relationships with each other. Bernie Kosar was my absolute favourite character, I'd love to have a dog like that! I think my favourite bit of the story was finding out about John's home planet of Lorien, it was beautifully described. The plot was well paced and realistically filled with tension throughout, and I finished it in just one sitting. I'm really looking forward to the released of the next in the series and cannot wait to see where the story goes from here. Would definitely recommend to sci-fi fans, or to be people who enjoy a good fast paced thriller.

High Stakes by Meg Cabot

No. of pages: 200
Rating: 8/10
Series: Mediator (Book 2)

Synopsis: Meet Susannah Simon: she's a typical teenage girl, who just happens to be a ghost-hunter ...oh, and she's also dead-over-heels for Jesse - the sexiest spook ever! But can this girl get her ghost? In "High Stakes", Suze's new life is looking up - cool friends, pool parties and getting to know Jesse (swoon), but then a desperate spirit asks for her help. Suddenly she's on the trail of a creepy local businessman, who just might be a vampire. Life just got dead complicated. Again.

Review: When a crying ghost appears in her bedroom, Suze is asked to track down and pass on a message to someone. But as Suze gets close to who she thinks is the recipient, she starts to worry that he's not entirely human...

High Stakes is just as good as the first book in the series, and builds upon the story started there. I really enjoyed the evolving relationships in this book, mainly between Suze and Jesse and Suze and her new little brother Doc, who is so adorable! The story is engaging and kept me gripped right until the end, although I did find the ending was kind of repetitive as a similar thing happened at the end of the first book, and that was a little disappointing. Over all, these books are enjoyable for a light, easy read.

Love You To Death by Meg Cabot

No. of pages: 199
Rating: 8/10
Series: Mediator (Book 1)

Synopsis: Meet Susannah Simon: she's a typical teenage girl, who just happens to be a ghost-hunter ...oh, and she's also dead-over-heels for Jesse - the sexiest spook ever! But can this girl get her ghost? In "Love You to Death", Suze arrives in California and has barely unpacked when her mediator skills are put to the test. A vicious spirit in her new school is hell-bent on making her life a complete nightmare, but Suze is more than ready to kick some serious ghost butt if she has to.

Review: Suze has just moved to California, and transferred into a new school there. Her first day is a little different than she imagined though when a nasty spirit decides to try and scare Suze away from the school, but Suze has dealt with ghosts like this before, and isn't afraid to show it who's boss...

This book was mainly about introducing us to the cast of characters, many of which are pretty loveable. I really liked the ghost mediating aspect of it and thought that it was something interesting to read about. I thought Suze's spunky attitude was funny and I liked reading her interaction with Jesse, can't see where that goes in the future! A predictable story, but quite sweet, and an enjoyable quick read.

December Summary

Books completed ~ 5
Susan Hill - The Small Hand 2.5/5
Dennis Lehane - Shutter Island 5/5
Kimberly Derting - The Body Finder 5/5
Simone Elkeles - Perfect Chemistry 3.5/5
Daniel Waters - Generation Dead 3.5/5

Books bought ~ 6
Stacia Kane - Unholy Ghosts
Jilliane Hoffman - Pretty Little Things
Suzanne Weir - Distant Waters
Lee Weeks - Kiss & Die
Harlan Coben - Fade Away/Back Spin
Mark Billingham - Buried

Other books incoming ~ 8
Simone Elkeles - Perfect Chemistry (book ring)
Kimberly Derting - The Body Finder (xmas)
Mira Grant - Feed (xmas)
Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Raised By Wolves (xmas)
Rachel Ward - Numbers (xmas)
Rachel Ward - Numbers: The Chaos (xmas)
Cecelia Ahern - The Book of Tomorrow (xmas)
Katie Flynn - A Mistletoe Kiss (xmas)

Overall ~
I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't manage to read much this month, but realistically I didn't think that I would be able to with the hecticness of christmas and such, so I'm kind of happy I manage to get 5 done at least! My favourite reads were Shutter Island and The Body Finder, both were fantastic. My least favourite was The Small Hand, it wasn't really anything like I was expecting and I didn't massively enjoy it, I just felt kind of 'meh' when I was done. I'm hoping I manage to get some of my reading mojo back in January, it's been severely lacking for months! I just need to find some books that are really going to grip me, so fingers crossed!

The Toymaker by Jeremy De Quidt


No. of pages: 356
Rating: 4/10

Synopsis: What good is a toy that will wind down? What if you could put a heart in one? A real heart. One that beat and beat and didn't stop. What couldn't you do if you could make a toy like that? From the moment Mathias becomes the owner of a mysterious piece of paper, he is in terrible danger. Entangled in devious plots and pursued by the sinister Doctor Leiter and his devilish toys, Mathias finds himself on a quest to uncover a deadly secret.

Review: When Mathias receives a piece of paper that is quite clearly a clue to something, he finds himself on a dangerous mission to uncover a sinister secret.

I think my main problem with this book was that I was expecting something completely different. From the synopsis on the back of the book, I had imagined something very different to how the story actually was, and that for me was very disappointing. The plot in itself is not bad, but this was just not the book for me. I really struggled to get through it and seriously considered giving up on it numerous times. It was only the fact I hate to give up on books that made me carry on, just in case it turned out to be great. Sadly, in this case, it didn't. I didn't like any of the characters, the ending was pretty rubbish and didn't even fully wrap up the story and I'm surprised that a childrens book has so much violence in it. This should teach me a lesson that cool covers do not equal cool books!

Sister by Rosamund Lupton

No. of pages: 358
Rating: 10/10

Synopsis: Nothing can break the bond between sisters...

When Beatrice gets a frantic call in the middle of Sunday lunch to say that her younger sister, Tess, is missing, she boards the first flight home to London. But as she learns about the circumstances surrounding her sister's disappearance, she is stunned to discover how little she actually knows of her sister's life - and unprepared for the terrifying truths she must now face.

The police, Beatrice's fiance and even their mother accept they have lost Tess but Beatrice refuses to give up on her. So she embarks on a dangerous journey to discover the truth, no matter the cost.

Review: Imagine getting a phone call telling you that your sister has gone missing, then imagine that you're half a world away from where your sister lives. This is the nightmare that begins for Beatrice one lunchtime as she receives a phone call from her mother back in London. But after rushing from New York back to London to find Tess, Beatrice realises that she may not have known her sister as well as she thought she did after all...

I was really looking forward to starting this book because I thought it sounded fantastic, and it even exceeded my incredibly high expectations. I don't know what it was, but this for me was that rare 'perfect' book. I loved the way it was written, I loved the storyline, I loved and cared about the characters, I just pure and simple loved it. I sat and read it through in one sitting because I couldn't bear to put it down and then was incredibly sad that it was over. I think the ending is one that will divide readers, I can definitely see how people would dislike it, but I thought it did fit in well with the story that was being told, so it didn't bother me. I would definitely recommend this to fans of mystery books and I for one cannot wait for another book by this author!

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

No. of pages: 371
Rating: 8/10
Series: The Maze Runner Trilogy (Book 1)

Synopsis: When the doors of the lift crank open, the only thing Thomas remembers is his first name. But he's not alone. He's surrounded by boys who welcome him to the Glade - a walled encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible stone maze. Like Thomas, the Gladers don't know why or how they came to be there - or what's happened to the world outside. All they know is that every morning when the walls slide back, they will risk everything - even the Grievers, half-machine, half-animal horror that patrols its corridors, to find out.

Review: When Thomas wakes up in the lift, all he knows is that his name is Thomas. He knows nothing else about anything, least of all where he is or how on earth he got there. Then the lift opens, and he finds himself in the Glade, surrounded by other boys who had awakened in the lift. But what they don't know is that time is running short, and Thomas is the key to solving the mystery of the Glade and freeing them all...

Similar in style to that of The Hunger Games, in that it's about children put in peril to fight for their freedom. This one I'd say is more aimed towards the male market, but still very enjoyable for females too. I enjoyed the mystery of the Glade and the maze that surrounds it, and I also thought the language the boys had made up was funny and a nice touch. I also thought the monsters, called Grievers, were actually quite creepy sounding, I certainly wouldn't want to bump in to one, that's for sure! I did find that the plot dragged a little in places, but overall I thought the story was an interesting concept, and I enjoyed reading it. Personally, I did prefer The Hunger Games, but this is definitely a read for fans of that series. I've heard the second in the series is even better, and I can't wait to read it and find out for myself how Thomas' story continues.

Book List '11

1. Daniel Waters - Kiss Of Life 6/10  
2. Ally Condie - Matched 8/10
3. Rachel Ward - Numbers 7/10
4. Rachel Ward - Numbers 2: The Chaos 7/10
5. James Dashner - The Scorch Trials 8/10
6. Teresa Medeiros - Goodnight Tweetheart 10/10
7. Alyson Noel - Radiance 8/10
8. Sebastian Fitzek - Splinter 6/10
9. Becca Fitzpatrick - Crescendo 6/10
10. Emma Donoghue - Room 10/10
11. Kimberly Derting - Desires Of The Dead 8/10

12. Robin Benway - The Extraordinary Secrets Of April, May & June 6/10
13. Beth Revis - Across The Universe 8/10
14. Cameron Stracher - The Water Wars 6/10
15. Chevy Stevens - Still Missing 10/10
16. Megan Crewe - Give Up The Ghost 7/10
17. Nina LaCour - Hold Still 10/10
18. Justin Cronin - The Passage 10/10
19. Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games 10/10
20. Suzanne Collins - Catching Fire 10/10
21. Suzanne Collins - Mockingjay 10/10
22. Carrie Ryan - The Dark And Hollow Places 8/10
23. Julia Hoban - Scarred 6/10
24. Charlaine Harris - Dead Reckoning 6/10
25. Linwood Barclay - Never Look Away 8/10
26. Dr. Laurence B. Brown - The Eighth Scroll 9/10  
27. Adam Chester - S'Mother 8/10
28. Evonne Tsang - I Love Him To Pieces 4/10 

29. Carole Moore - The Last Place You'd Look 8/10

30. Maggie Stiefvater - Shiver (audiobook) 10/10
31. Maggie Stiefvater - Linger 10/10  
32. Maggie Stiefvater - Forever 8/10
33. Daniel Waters - Passing Strange 8/10

34. Bryan Lee O'Malley - Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life 8/10

35. Michael Cordy - The Colour Of Death 8/10
36. Alyxandra Harvey - Haunting Violet 8/10
37. Rebecca Lim - Mercy 8/10

38. J.A. Kerley - Little Girls Lost 6/10
39. Gabrielle Zevin - Memoirs Of A Teenage Amnesiac 9/10
40. Lee Carroll - Black Swan Rising 10/10

41. Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveler's Wife 10/10
42. Stephenie Meyer - Twilight 10/10
43. Maggie Stiefvater - Linger (audiobook) 10/10
44. Emlyn Chand - Farsighted 8/10
45. Stephenie Meyer - New Moon 10/10
46. Stephenie Meyer - Eclipse 10/10
47. Stephenie Meyer - Breaking Dawn 8/10
48. Maggie Stiefvater - Forever (audiobook) 8/10
49. Stieg Larsson - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 8/10

The Ultimate Teen Book Guide Challenge

The aim of this challenge is to read the list from The Ultimate Teen Book Guide. There are 681 entries, some of which are series of books, so I intend for this to be a long term challenge. My start date is Jan 1st 2011 and I begin having already read 18 entries.

1066 And All That - W.C. Sellar and R.J. Yeatman
The 13½ Lives Of Captain Blue Bear - Walter Moers
52 Pick-Up - Elmore Leonard
84 Charing Cross Road - Helene Hanff
87th Precinct Series - Ed McBain
Abarat - Clive Barker
The Abortion - Richard Brautigan
About A Boy - Nick Hornby
Across The Nightingale Floor - Lian Hearn
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
After The First Death - Robert Cormier
Against The Day - Michael Cronin
Airborne - Kenneth Oppel
Al Copone Does My Shirts - Gennifer Choldenko
Alanna: The First Adventure – Tamora Pierce
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist's Apprentice - Kate Thompson
Alchemy - Margaret Mahy
The Aldous Lexicon - Michael Lawrence
Alex Rider Series - Anthony Horowitz
Alice Series - Susan Juby
All American Girl - Meg Cabot
All Quiet On The Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
All The Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy
The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents - Terry Pratchett
The Amulet Of Samarkand - Jonathan Stroud
And The Ass Saw An Angel - Nick Cave
Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging - Louise Rennison
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Anita And Me - Meera Syal
Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
Another Roadside Attraction - Tom Robbins
Anthem For Doomed Youth - Ed. Jon Stallworthy
An Anthropologist On Mars - Oliver Sacks
Apocalypse - Tim Bowler
Arabella - Georgette Heyer
Archer’s Goon - Diana Wynne Jones
Are You Dave Gorman? - Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace
Are You Experienced? - William Sutcliffe
Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
Arthur: The Seeing Stone - Kevin Crossley-Holland
At Swim-Two-Birds - Flann O'Brien
At The Sign Of The Sugared Plum - Mary Hooper
Atonement - Ian McEwan
Automated Alice - Jeff Noon
Bad Alice - Jean Ure
Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress - Dai Sijie
Barrel Fever - David Sedaris
Be More Chill - Ned Vizzini
The Beach - Alex Garland
Beau Geste - P.C. Wren
* Beauty - Robin McKinley
The Beet Fields - Gary Paulsen
The Belgariad - David Eddings
The Bell - Iris Murdoch
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Beloved - Toni Morrison
Beyond The Deepwoods - Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler
Bilgewater - Jane Gardam
Bindi Babes - Narinder Dhami
The Birds On The Trees - Nina Bawden
Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks
Bitter Fruit - Brian Keaney
The Black Magican Trilogy - Trudi Canavan
Blame My Brain - Nicola Morgan
Blankets - Craig Thompson
Blinded By The Light - Sherry Ashworth
The Blood Stone - Jamila Gavin
Bloodtide - Melvin Burgess
Blue - Sue Mayfield
Blue Moon - Julia Green
The Body In The Library - Agatha Christie
Bonjour Tristesse - Francoise Sagan
Born Confused - Tanuja Desai Hidier
Bows Against The Barons - Geoffrey Trease
Boy2Girl - Terence Blacker
The Boy In The Burning House - Tim Wynne-Jones
* The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas - John Boyne
Boy Kills Man - Matt Whyman
Boy Meets Boy - David Levithan
Boy Soldier - Andy McNab and Robert Rigby
Brat Farrar - Josephine Tey
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Breadwinner - Deborah Ellis
Breakfast At Tiffany's - Truman Capote
Breaktime - Aidan Chambers
Brideshead Revisted - Evelyn Waugh
Bridge To Terabithia - Katherine Paterson
Bridget Jones's Diary - Helen Fielding
Brighton Rock - Graham Green
The Bromeliad Trilogy - Terry Pratchett
Brother Of The More Famous Jack - Barbara Trapido
Brothers - Ted Van Lieshout
The Buddha Of Suburbia - Hanif Kureishi
The Burning City - Ariel and Joaquin Dorfman
The Butterfly Tattoo - Philip Pullman
The Call Of The Wild - Jack London
Calling A Dead Man - Gillian Cross
Can You Keep A Secret? - Sandra Glover
Candy - Kevin Brooks
Cannery Row/Sweet Thursday - John Steinbeck
Captain Corelli's Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
Carwash - Lesley Howarth
Cat Among The Pigeons - Agatha Christie
Catalyst - Laurie Halse Anderson
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger
Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
Cat's Eye - Margaret Atwood
Caught In The Crossfire - Alan Gibbons
Cause Celeb - Helen Fielding
The Cement Garden - Ian McEwan
The Changeover - Margaret Mahy
* A Child Called ‘IT’ - David Pelzer
Child X - Lee Weatherly
Children Of The Dust - Louise Lawrence
* Chinese Cinderella - Adeline Yen Mah
Chocolat - Joanne Harris
The Chocolate War - Robert Cormier
Christine - Stephen King
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
The Chrysalids - John Wyndham
Cider With Rosie - Laurie Lee
Claudine At School - Colette
Clay - David Almond
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons
The Colditz Story - P.R. Reid
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
Come Clean - Terri Paddock
Coming Up For Air - George Orwell
Complete Short Stories - J.G. Ballard
Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen - Dyan Sheldon
Consider Phlebas - Iain M. Banks
* Coraline - Neil Gaiman
Coram Boy - Jamila Gavin
Corbenic - Catherine Fisher
Counting Stars - David Almond
Crazy - Benjamin Lebert
Crime And Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Cry Of The Icemark - Stuart Hill
The Crystal Cave - Mary Stewart
The Crystal Singer - Anne McCaffrey
Cue for Treason - Geoffrey Trease
The Cup Of The World/The Widow And The King - John Dickinson
* The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time – Mark Haddon
Cut - Patricia McCormick
* The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Daisy Miller - Henry James
Dance On My Grave - Aidan Chambers
Dandelion Wine - Ray Bradbury
The Dark Beneath - Alan Gibbons
The Dark Ground - Gillian Cross
The Dark Is Rising Series - Susan Cooper
The Dark Lord Of Derkholm - Diana Wynne Jones
Darkhenge - Catherine Fisher
Daughters Of Jerusalem - Charlotte Mendelson
The Day Of The Jackal - Frederick Forsyth
The Day Of The Triffids - John Wyndham
Daz 4 Zoe - Robert Swindells
Dead Famous - Ben Elton
Dead Negative - Nick Manns
Deadkidsongs - Toby Litt
* Dear Nobody - Bertie Doherty
Death And The Penguin - Andrey Kurkov
Deep Secret - Berlie Doherty
The Defender - Alan Gibbons
Desire Lines - Jack Gantos
The Diamond Girls - Jacqueline Wilson
Diary Of A Nobody - George and Weedon Grossman
The Diary Of A Young Girl - Anne Frank
Disconnected - Sherry Ashworth
Discworld : Monstrous Regiment – Terry Pratchett
Divided City - Theresa Breslin
Dizzy - Cathy Cassidy
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? - Phillip K. Dick
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr Zhivago - Boris Pasternak
Does My Bum Look Big In This? - Arabella Weir
Doing It - Melvin Burgess
Don't Let's Go To The Dogs Tonight - Alexandra Fuller
Down With Skool! - G. Willans and R. Searle
Dracula - Bram Stoker
The Dragonriders Of Pern Series - Annie McCaffrey
Drama Queen - Chloe Rayban
The Dud Avacado - Elaine Dundy
Dune - Frank Herbert
Dusk - Susan Gates
The Eclipse Of The Century - Jan Mark
Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
Empire Of The Sun - J.G Ballard
Empty World - John Christopher
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
Eragon - Christopher Paolini
Escape - Kate Cann
Ethan Frome - Edith Warren
Ethel And Ernest - Raymond Briggs
An Evil Cradling - Brian Keenan
Exile And The Kingdom - Albert Camus
Exodus - Julie Bertagna
The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde
Face - Benjamin Zephaniah
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Fake - K.K. Beck
Faking It - Pete Johnson
Falling 4 Mandy - Chris d'Lacey
Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
The Farseer Trilogy - Robin Hobb
Fat Boy Swim - Catherine Forde
Fat Kid Rules The World - K.L. Going
Fatherland - Robert Harris
Feather Boy - Nicky Singer
Feed - M.T. Anderson
Festival - David Belbin
Fever Pitch - Nick Hornby
Fire And Hemlock - Diana Wynne Jones
Fire From Heaven - Mary Renault
Firedrake's Eye - Patricia Finney
The Fire-Eaters - David Almond
Fireweed - Jill Paton Walsh
Fleshmarket - Nicola Morgan
Floodland - Marcus Sedgwick
* Flowers In The Attic - Virgina Andrews
The Flowing Queen - Kai Meyer
Follow Me Down - Julie Hearn
For Esme - With Love And Squalor - J.D. Salinger
Forbidden - Judy Waite
Forever - Judy Blume
The Fortune Teller - Alison Prince
The Foundation Trilogy - Isaac Asimov
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Franny And Zooey - J.D. Salinger
Frenchman's Creek - Daphne Du Maurier
Friendly Fire - Patrick Gale
Frost In May - Antonia White
Frost On My Moustache - Tim Moore
The Garbage King - Elizabeth Laird
A Gathering Light - Jennifer Donnelly
Generation X - Douglas Coupland
Georgie - Malachy Doyle
Getting Rid Of Karenna - Helena Pielichaty
Ghost Stories - M.R. James
Gifts - Ursula Le Guin
Gigi - Colette
Girl, 15 (Charming But Insane) - Sue Limb
The Girl In The Attic - Valerie Mendes
Girl With A Pearl Earring - Tracy Chevalier
Girlfriend In A Coma - Douglas Coupland
Girls In Love - Jacqueline Wilson
Girls Like You: Alex - Kate Petty
Go And Come Back - Joan Abelove
Go Ask Alice - Anonymous
The Go-Between - L.P. Hartley
Going For Stone - Philip Gross
Goldkeeper - Sally Prue
Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
Good Omens - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Goodbye To All That - Robert Graves
The Goose Girl - Shannon Hale
The Gormenghast Trilogy - Mervyn Peake
The Great Blue Yonder - Alex Shearer
The Great Divorce - C.S. Lewis
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Railway Bazaar - Paul Theroux
The Greengage Summer - Rumer Godden
Gulf - Robert Westall
Gulliver - Martin Jenkins and Chris Riddell
* Hamlet - William Shakespeare
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
Hangover Square - Patrick Hamilton
Happy - Keith Gray
Hard Cash - Kate Cann
The Hard Man Of The Swings - Jeanne Willis
* The Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling
Hatchet - Gary Paulsen
The Haunting Of Alaizabel Cray - Chris Wooding
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullers
Heart Of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
A Heakbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius - Dave Eggers
The Heaven Shop - Deborah Ellis
The Henry Game - Susan Davis
Heroes - Robert Cormier
Hex - Rhiannon Lassiter
High Fidelity - Nick Hornby
His Dark Materials Trilogy - Phillip Pullman
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkein
Hole In My Life - Jack Gantos
Holes - Louis Sacher
Hombre - Elmore Leonard
Homecoming - Cynthia Voigt
Hoot - Carl Hiaasen
Hope Was Here - Joan Bauer
Horace - Chis d'Lacey
The Hours - Michael Cunningham
The House In Norham Gardens - Penelope Lively
The House Of Sleep - Jonathan Coe
House Of The Scorpion - Nancy Farmer
House Of The Spirits - Isabel Allende
How I Live Now - Meg Rosoff
How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found - Sara Nickerson
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Hunter's Heart - Julia Green
I Am David - Anne Holm
I Am The Cheese - Robert Cormier
I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
I. Robot - Isaac Asimov
I Was A Teenager Worrier - Ros Asquith
The Ice Road - Jaap Ter Haar
If Only They Could Talk - James Herriot
If You Come Softly - Jacqueline Woodson
The Illustrated Mum - Jacqueline Wilson
The Iliad And The Odyssey - Homer
I'm Not Scared - Niccolo Ammaniti
I'm The King Of The Castle - Susan Hill
In The Shadow Of The Ark - Anne Provoost
The Inheritors - William Golding
Innocent Blood - P.D. James
The Innocent's Story - Nicky Singer
Inspector Morse Books - Colin Dexter
Interview with The Vampire - Anne Rice
Inventing Elliot - Graham Gardner
Is Anybody There? - Jean Ure
Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott
Jake's Tower - Elizabeth Laird
Jamaica Inn - Daphne Du Maurier
The James Bond Books - Ian Fleming
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Jeannie of White Peak Farm - Berlie Doherty
The Jeeves Stories - P.G. Wodehouse
Jemima J - Jane Green
Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth - Chris Ware
Johnnie's Blitz - Bernard Ashley
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull - Richard Bach
Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell - Susannah Clarke
Journey To The River Sea - Eva Ibbotson
Junk - Melvin Burgess
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton
Just Sixteen - Jean Ure
The Just William Series - Richmal Crompton
Katherine - Anya Seton
Keeper - Mal Peet
Keeping The Moon - Sarah Dessen
A Kestral For A Knave - Barry Hines
Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson
Kim - Rudyard Kipling
The Kin - Peter Dickinson
The King Must Die - Mary Renault
The Kingdom By The Sea - Robert Westall
Kiss The Dust - Elizabeth Laird
Kissing The Rain - Kevin Brooks
The Kite Rider - Geraldine McCaughrean
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Kit's Wilderness - David Almond
The L-Shaped Room - Lynne Reid Banks
Lady Chatterley's Lover - D.H. Lawrence
The Land - Mildred D. Taylor
Last Chance To See - Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine
The Last Of The Wine - Mary Renault
Last Seen Wearing Trainers - Rosie Rushton
The Last Siege - Jonathan Stroud
Last Train From Kummersdorf - Leslie Wilson
The Lastling - Philip Gross
LBD: It’s a Girl Thing - Grace Dent
Le Grand Meaulnes - Alain-Fournier
The Left Hand Of Darkness - Ursula Le Guin
Letters From the Inside - John Marsden
The Liar - Stephen Fry
Life Of Pi - Yann Martel
A Little Piece of Ground - Elizabeth Laird
Lola Rose - Jacqueline Wilson
Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry
The Long Walk - Stephen King/Richard Bachman
The Long Walk - Slavomir Rawicz
A Long Walk From Verona - Jane Gardam
Looking For JJ - Anne Cassidy
The Looking Glass Wars - Frank Beddor
Lord Loss - Darren Shan
Lord Of The Flies - William Golding
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy – J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord Peter Wimsey Books - Dorothy L. Sayers
Lost And Found - Valerie Mendes
Love, Fifteen - Ros Asquith
Love In A Cold Climate - Nancy Mitford
Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marques
* The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
Lucas - Kevin Brooks
The Machine-Gunners - Robert Westall
The Magic Toyshop - Angela Carter
The Maigret Books - Georges Simenon
Make Lemonade - Virginia Euwer Wolff
Making Sense - Nadia Marks
Malarkey - Keith Gray
Man And Boy - Tony Parsons
The Man In The High Castle - Phillip K. Dick
Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
Martyn Pig - Kevin Brooks
Massive - Julia Bell
Master And Commander - Patrick O'Brian
The Master Of Ballantrae - Robert Louis Stevenson
Mates, Dates... Series - Cathy Hopkins
Maus - Art Spiegelman
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment - James Patterson
Megan Trilogy - Mary Hooper
Memoirs Of A Geisha - Arthur Golden
Memoirs Of An Infantry Officer - Siegfried Sassoon
The Merrybegot - Julie Hearn
Midget - Tim Bowler
Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil - John Berendt
Midshipman’s Hope - David Feintuch
Milkweed - Jerry Spinelli
The Mill On The Floss - George Eliot
Millions - Frank Cottrell Boyce
Milo's Wolves - Jenny Nimmo
Mine - Caroline Pilcher
Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow - Peter Hoeg
* Moab Is My Washpot - Stephen Fry
Mondays Are Red - Nicola Morgan
Montmorency - Eleanor Updale
The Moon Riders - Theresa Tomlinson
The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
Mortal Engines - Phillip Reeve
The Moth Diaries - Rachel Klien
The Motorcycle Diaries - Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
A Moveable Feast - Ernest Hemingway
Mr Midshipman Easy - Captain Marryat
Murkmere - Patricia Elliot
My Brilliant Career - Miles Franklin
My Darling, My Hamburger - Paul Zindel
My Family And Other Animals - Gerald Durrell
My Side Of The Mountain - Jean George
Naked Without A Hat - Jeanne Willis
Narziss And Goldmund - Hermann Hesse
The Nature Of The Beast - Janni Howker
Never Ever - Helena Pielichaty
The Neverending Story - Michael Ende
New Boy - William Sutcliffe
Nicola And The Viscount - Meg Cabot
The Night Country - Stewart O'Nan
The Night World: Secret Vampire – L.J. Smith
Ninteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
No Shame, No Fear - Ann Turnbull
Noodlehead - Jonathan Kebbe
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less - Jeffrey Archer
Not Dressed Like That You Don't - Yvonne Coppard
Not The End Of The Word - Geraldine McCaughrean
Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson
Notes On A Scandal - Zoe Heller
Noughts And Crosses - Malorie Blackman
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - Alexander McCall Smith
Of Mice And Men - John Steinbeck
The Old Man And The Sea - Ernest Hemingway
Olivia Joules And The Overactive Imagination - Helen Fielding
On The Road - Jack Kerouac
The Once And Future King - T.H. White
Once In A House On Fire - Andrea Ashworth
One Day In The life Of Ivan Denisovich - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
One For The Money - Janet Evanovich
One Girl, Two Decks, Three Degrees Of Love - Jonny Zucker
One Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Only Forward - Michael Marshall Smith
Operation Red Jericho - Joshua Mowll
The Opposite Of Chocolate - Julie Bertagna
The Oracle - Catherine Fisher
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit - Jeanette Winterson
Orlando - Virginia Wolf
The Other Boleyn Girl - Philippa Gregory
Other Echoes - Adele Geras
The Other Side Of Truth - Beverley Naidoo
Our Man In Havana - Graham Greene
Out Of Bounds - Beverley Naidoo
Out Of The Blue - Sue Welford
Out Of The Dust - Karen Hesse
The Outsider - Albert Camus
The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton
The Owl Service - Alan Garner
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha - Roddy Doyle
Pagan's Crusade - Catherine Jinks
Paper Faces - Rachel Anderson
Peace Like A River - Lief Enger
Peace Weavers - Julia Jarman
Pennington’s 17th Summer - K.M. Peyton
Perfume - Patrick Suskind
Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood - Marjane Satrapi
Phosphorescence - Raffaella Barker
Picnic At Hanging Rock - Joan Lindsay
The Picture Of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Pied Piper - Nevil Shute
The Pigman - Paul Zindel
Pirates! - Celia Rees
Plague - Malcolm Rose
Pobby And Dingan - Ben Rice
Polo - Jilly Cooper
A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man - James Joyce
Postcards From No Man's Land - Aidan Chambers
Power Of Three - Diana Wynne Jones
A Prayer For Owen Meany - John Irving
Prey - Michael Crichton
Pride And Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie - Muriel Spark
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
The Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot
The Prisoner Of Zenda - Anthony Hope
Private Peaceful - Michael Morpurgo
A Question Of Courage - Marjorie Darke
The Rachel Papers - Martin Amis
Rachel's Holiday - Marian Keyes
Radio Radio - Graham Marks
The Rag And Bone Shop - Robert Cormier
Rani And Sukh - Bali Rai
Raspberries On The Yangtze - Karen Wallace
Rat-Catcher - Chris Ryan
Raven's Gate - Anthony Horowitz
* The Reader - Bernhard Schlink
Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
Reckless - Sue Mayfield
The Recruit - Robert Muchamore
Red Shift - Alan Garner
Redwall - Brian Jacques
Refugee Boy - Benjamin Zephaniah
Regeneration - Pat Barker
Remembrance - Theresa Breslin
The Riddle Of The Sands - Erskine Childers
River Boy - Tim Bowler
Roll Of Thunder, Here My Cry - Mildred D. Taylor
The Romance Of Tristan and Iseult - Retold by Joseph Bedier
A Room Of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf
A Room With A View - E. M. Forster
Round Behind The Ice-House - Anne Fine
Round Ireland With A Fridge - Tony Hawks
Roxy's Baby - Catherine MacPhail
Ruby Holler - Sharon Creech
Ruby Tanya - Robert Swindells
Rumblefish - S.E. Hinton
The Runaway Jury - John Grisham
Sabriel - Garth Nix
Sabrina Fludde - Pauline Fisk
Saffy's Angel - Hilary McKay
Salem's Lot - Stephen King
The Sally Lockhart Books - Phillip Pullman
Sammy And Juliana In Hollywood - Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Sandman Series - Neil Gaiman
The Scarecrows - Robert Westall
The Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orczy
Scoop - Evelyn Waugh
The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis
Sea Of Trolls - Nancy Farmer
Second From Last In The Sack Race - David Nobbs
Second Star To The Right - Deborah Hautzig
The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾ - Sue Townsend
The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
Secrets In The Fire/Playing With Fire - Henning Mankell
Seeker - William Nicholson
A Separate Peace - John Knowles
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket
The Serious Kiss - Mary Hogan
Set In Stone - Linda Newbery
Seventh Heaven - Alice Hoffman
* The Shadow Of The Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Shadowmancer - G.P. Taylor
The Shamer's Daughter - Lene Kaaberbol
Sharp North - Patrick Cave
Sharpe's Company - Bernard Cornwall
She - H. Rider Haggard
The Shell House - Linda Newbery
The Sherlock Holmes Stories - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Short Stories - H.G. Wells
The Short Stories Of Saki - H.H. Munro
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
A Sight For Sore Eyes - Ruth Rendell
Silas Marner - George Eliot
Silent Snow, Secret Snow - Adele Geras
Silverfin - Charlie Higson
The Simple Gift - Steven Herrick
The Sirens Of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants - Ann Brashares
Sisterland - Linda Newbery
Skarrs - Catherine Forde
Skellig - David Almond
Skinny B, Skaz and Me - John Singleton
Slake's Limbo - Felice Holeman
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
Sleepwalking - Nicola Morgan
The Slightly True Story Of Cedar B. Hartley - Martine Murray
Snow Falling On Cedars - David Guterson
The Snow Goose - Paul Gallico
Something In The Air - Jan Mark
The Song Of An Innocent Bystander - Ian Bone
Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarder
The Speed Of The Dark - Alex Shearer
Spiggot’s Quest - Garry Kilworth
Spindle's End - Robin McKinley
Spy High Series - A.J. Butcher
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold - John Le Carre
Star Of The Sea - Joseph O'Connor
Stargirl - Jerry Spinelli
Starseeker - Tim Bowler
Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
Stealing Stacey - Lynne Reid Banks
The Sterkarm Handshake - Susan Price
Stone Cold - Robert Swindells
The Stones Of Muncaster Cathedral - Robert Westall
Storm - Suzanne Fisher Staples
Stormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz
Strait Is The Gate - Andre Gide
The Strange Affair Of Adelaide Harris - Leon Garfield
Strange Boy - Paul Magrs
Strange Meeting - Susan Hill
Strangers On A Train - Patricia Highsmith
Stripes Of The Sidestep Wolf - Sonya Hartnett
Sugar Rush - Julie Birchill
A Summer Bird-Cage - Margaret Drabble
The Summerhouse - Alison Prince
The Supernaturalist - Eoin Colfer
A Tale Of Two Cites - Charles Dickens
The Talented Mr Ripley - Patricia Highsmith
Tales Of Mystery And Imagination - Edgar Allan Poe
Tales Of The City - Armistead Maupin
Tales Of The Unexpected - Roald Dahl
Talk Of The Town - Ardal O'Hanlon
Tamar - Mal Peet
Taylor Five: The Story Of A Clone Girl - Ann Halam
Tender Is The Night - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Terra Incognita - Sara Wheeler
Tess Of The D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
There's A Boy In The Girls' Bathroom - Louis Sacher
Therese Raquin - Emile Zola
These Old Shades - Georgette Heyer
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
The Thirty- Nine Steps - John Buchan
This Boy's Life - Tobias Wolff
Three Men In A Boat - Jerome K. Jerome
Thursday's Child - Sonya Hartnett
Time Bomb - Nigel Hinton
Tin Grin - Catherine Robinson
To Be A Ninja - Benedict Jacka
To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
The Toll Bridge - Aidan Chambers
Tommy Glover's Sketch Of Heaven - Jane Bailey
Touching The Void - Joe Simpson
Tourist Season - Carl Hiaasen
The Tower Room - Adele Geras
A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute
Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh
Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - Betty Smith
The Tricksters - Margaret Mahy
Troll Fell - Katherine Langrish
The Trouble With Donovan Croft - Bernard Ashley
The Trouble With Lichen - John Wyndham
Troy - Adele Geras
True Grit - Charles Portis
Trustee From The Toolroom - Nevil Shute
Truth Or Dare - Celia Rees
The Tulip Touch - Anne Fine
Tulku - Peter Dickinson
Turbulence - Jan Mark
The Turn Of The Screw - Henry James
Turtle Diary - Russell Hoban
The Twelfth Day Of July - Joan Lingard
Ultraviolet - Lesley Howarth
(Un)Arranged Marriage - Bali Rai
Under Pressure/Bad Boys - Tony Bradman
Underworld - Catherine MacPhail
Unique - Alison Allen-Gray
An Unsuitable Job For A Woman - P.D. James
Up On Cloud Nine - Anne Fine
Useful Idiots - Jan Mark
V For Vendetta - Alan Moore
The Vacillations Of Poppy Carew - Mary Wesley
Vanity Fair - William M. Thackeray
Vernon God Little - D.B.C. Pierre
Walk Two Moons - Sharon Creech
Walkabout - James Vance Marshall
Walking Naked - Alyssa Brugman
The Wanderer - Sharon Creech
War And Peace - Leo Tolstoy
The War Of The Worlds - H.G. Wells
Warehouse - Keith Gray
Warrior Girl - Pauline Chandler
The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks
The Watch House - Robert Westall
Watchmen - Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
Watership Down - Richard Adams
Waving, Not Drowning - Rosie Rushton
Waylander - David Gemmell
Waywalkers - Catherine Webb
We Can Remember It For You Wholesale - Phillip K. Dick
Weaveworld - Clive Barker
Weetzie Bat - Francesca Lia Block
The Weirdstone Of Brisingamen - Alan Garner
Wendy - Karen Wallace
The Wereling - Stephen Cole
What The Birds See - Sonya Hartnett
Wheels - Catherine MacPhail
When Isla Meets Luke Meets Isla - Rhian Tracey
When The Guns Fall Silent - James Riordan
When The Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs
Whip Hand - Dick Francis
The Whispering Road - Livi Michael
White Teeth - Zadie Smith
Who Is Jesse Flood? - Malachy Doyle
Why Weeps The Brogan? - Hugh Scott
* Wicca: Book Of Shadows - Cate Tiernan
The Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys
A Wild Sheep Chase - Haruki Murakami
Wild Swans - Jung Chang
The Wind On Fire Trilogy - William Nicholson
The Wish House - Celia Rees
* Witch Child - Celia Rees
A Wizard Of Earthsea - Ursula Le Guin
* Wolf Brother - Michelle Paver
The Wolves In The Walls - Neil Gaimen
The Woman In Black - Susan Hill
The Woman In White - Wilkie Collins
The Wonderful Story Of Henry Sugar - Roald Dahl
The World According To Garp - John Irving
Worm In The Blood - Thomas Bloor
The Worst Journey In The World - Apsley Cherry-Garrard
A Wrinkle In Time - Madeleine L'Engle
The Wrong Boy - Willy Russell
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
You Don't Know Me - David Klass
Z For Zachariah - Robert C. O'Brien
The Zigzag Kid - David Grossman
Zoo - Graham Marks
Zorba The Greek - Nikos Kazantzakis

Books read ~ 24
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